Ambiance theme for XFCE (with xfwm4)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Description:Apparently I have switched back to Ubuntu (Unity 4 life yeah), I won't update this anymore.
A mod version of JumpLink is attached below, it might work better than mine.
I'm not a dev, neither a designer. I'm just help people.
The Lucid Xfwm4 is based on MTK358 version in LinuxQuestion.com, thus all the credits goes to him. On the other hand, Natty Xfwm4 is based on p0ngbr work. What I did to those themes was just improved their borders and themerc files.
Recently due to the limitation of the hardware, my lap can't handle Ubuntu anymore, so I made a switch to Xubuntu. Both default theme Bluebird/Blackbird are awesome, but I still miss the look and feel of Ubuntu Ambiance. Therefore this theme imitate every single factors of Ambiance.
- Ambiance GTK+ theme and the Humanity icon pack used in Maverick/Natty
- Complete Natty/Maverick/Lucid Xfwm4 theme. The top corners of inactive windows in Natty version is a bit ugly tho...
- Those screenshots explain the rest.
1/ GTK theme & Icon pack.
- Hit "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-artwork" (w/o quotes)
- Go to System -> Appearance. Under Style tab, apply Ambiance GTK theme. Under Icon tab, apply Ubuntu-Mono-Dark. Under Font tab, set default font to Regular Ubuntu at 10 pixels
2/ Xfwm4 theme & Panel background.
- Download my package, then extract the folder named Ambiance to /usr/share/themes. If there is a same folder (it should be), just replace it.
- Go to System -> Windows Manager, apply Ambiance theme.
Logout then login, you got it done =)
MTK358: http://bit.ly/ido5v9.
p0ngbr: http://p0ngbr.deviantart.com/art/Ambiance-for-XFCE-197437791.
Version 0.1:
First release.
Version 0.2
- Resize Xfwm4 border to 1 pixel
- Ambiance panel background.
Version 0.3
- A bit change in the colour used in the panel.
Version 0.4
- Add Natty/Maverick version
Ratings & Comments
9 9 excellent
update your theme please. Don't work on Xubuntu 18.04
I cant download it. Please fix
For the Google browser Chrome/Chromium you can use the follow theme: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/elnmibmpefhmfgphdphdncoogpbfmlbp?hl=de&hc=search&hcp=main looks good
I've test and create it under Ubuntu 11.11 with xfce4
I attached your mod to the main post.
I've reuploaded my mod: http://ubuntuone.com/5fLedWtY5MJBrJ6vTLaDXh
How did you create the "Application Places" menu?
The Icon you are looking for is in the path /usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mono-dark/apps/22/start-here.svg
Thanks for the effort. Tested the theme in VB first, using Xubuntu 11.04. The theme was successfully applied to everything but the panel. Are there some instructions missing?
I seem to get orange (old Human Style) window bars when using this, which is a shame because I really wanted this to work. Xubuntu 11.04
Sorry I'm not using XFCE anymore, won't be able to test this out for you :(
I've always wanted to do it myself but didn't really know how change the buttons on the panel, thanks. Also the xfwm4 themes look perfect. The only thing I've changed is the orange on the panel, I like the dark grey better, and the select items color to an orange with less contrast. http://flic.kr/p/9DdLn7