added gilouche metacity. emerald is now deprecated in this theme
because theme doesn't seem to be liked, change buttons, progessbars ans scrollbars
Completely new design. Use clearlooks, nnodoka and aurora for some wigets, new scrollbars (it was really important to change them !!!), new colorscheme and murrine improvements.
only gtk theme. removed emerald, metacity, awn, splash and desktop theme
Because Murrina is one of the best engines of nowadays, i think that this project is a good response to the windows vista aero theme.
It does not really look like vista, but, as well as it, it features many improvements.
It is entirely blue, desktop icons are embelled, scroolbars had been reworked, emerald theme ameliored.
It includes some external pieces as the wallpaper or the awn theme.
The best icons are yours, or distribution's yours, because there are the most important way to intuit you to your desktop. so choose the best for you.
For those who hates emerald, a metacity theme is prooposed and included and applyied by default.
Enjoy =)
Hybridity =)
Ratings & Comments
Some of us do put a lot of work into the artwork we submit and learn to live with mediocre ratings when we must... Making your download links automatically vote good is perhaps the most shameless thing you can do on this site, and it seriously discourages other artists who do things properly and leave the voting up to their end users. At the very least, you should fix your download links immediately.
I'm terribly sorry, I copy the link for each parts of my theme just after rating for my own theme. So the "&vote=good" stayed in the links :s I'm working for something new, because I'm not enough satisfied by htis theme, so I'll create a new page and erase this with false rating soon
Aaaah, so THAT explains it. As I posted in the "improved voting" group, I thought people were simply lunatics. Faith in humanity restored. Just in time for New Years Eve. Incidentally, prompted by your "learn to live with mediocre ratings when we must" I had a look at your content to find your skeleton in the closet. Now that's impressive! Even your Nodoka theme (Nodoka themes seem to be summarily voted down by the non-Fedora crowd) is at 75%. Congrats!
my new project is there : http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Karmix?content=102274
Freakin cheater! Boycott this theme. No wonder it is highest rated..! I was thinking how the hell did another Vista clone go to the top of the ratings. As hard as we trying to be original and individualistic, people like this put a copy like that with the cheat and make think the newcomers the Windows way. This theme is no better than other Vista clones that are long dead and so should this.
READ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voting
Visiting this page by following the "download whole package" link on the Emerald theme causes you to automatically vote "good." The same goes for the emerald theme! After clicking "Download Emerald theme" you automatically vote up that theme as well! (For more details as to how the author managed to set this up, see the comments on the emerald theme.) This is outrageous. I sure hope Gnome-look.org has some sort of ethics policy here. In all actuality though, this website should not have such a gaping security hole in the first place....
Was kind of wondering about that myself, as there is a HUGE % difference between top rated and second rated themes. Nice catch.
Nice trick. Maybe he shall be the new Bill G. :D
Very nice theme. I also like the way you included all the necessary components to make a desktop appear like your screenshots instead of just the GTK+ theme. Nice job and keep it up :) Thanks again!
i have vista already, and when i am working in ubuntu, i want to forget that ms exists... or mac... so i would say it is well done, but reminds me too much of the vista theme...
so try my neo95 humanish version ! included here : http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Neo95?content=93587
that would be def. my favorite theme of yours! thx
but perhaps it is a joke... hahaha
I really like this theme. And the gconf settings are very nice. It's a keeper!
desktop settings have (once more) changed. old are still here : http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Clear+Night+(Desktop+Panel+Settings)?content=91130
I think your screenshot would've looked a lot better if you'd turned off the compositing while taking it.