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Problem with download Themes
Gifs dont work properly on open desktop even though it is listed as a supported type
Heavenly Buntu
Unity Screenshots
thanks but the problem is with the pages in office and other applications... even the page is black... so i was looking for a theme thats something like shiki... dark but still very usable.. i...
perfect black theme ? try this : http://customize.org/gtk/themes/64840 or this one too : http://customize.org/gtk/themes/64258. Ubuntu rocks, that's right friend :)
Thank you very much... this is the first comment I have got so far.. yeah I guess it looks like vista due to google side bar.... but I am finding for a perfect black theme for ubuntu but by far...
nice work but looks like vista...
This is a screenshot of my latest gnome desktop. Icon set is LaGadesk Black/White2. Theme is Onux Blue. Terminal is Tilda.
16 years ago
Heavenly Buntu
Unity Screenshots
thanks but the problem is with the pages in office and other applications... even the page is black... so i was looking for a theme thats something like shiki... dark but still very usable.. i...