Various Gnome Theming
by yngmjgsd
White transparent theme for ulauncher. There are two themes with red and blue match colors. This is a slightly modified ulauncher light theme.Installing:To install this theme, just copy paste the commands below into your terminal:
git clone...

Various Gnome Theming
by nestort
This is a Gradience color preset, which includes CSS for undershoots. It is a dark theme, with green accents and nightly nature shades. It's easy on the eyes, not too dark, so you can tell windows apart easily. Headerbar is dark blue with bright yellow text (the stars!).I suggest using...

Various Gnome Theming
by fkorpsvart
These are themes for Gnome Text Editor and Gedit to complement the GTK Nightfox Dusk themes.----------------------------------------- ‹› ---------------------------------------- Installing GeditCurrently, the new GNOME Text Editor is installed by default, and Gedit can be installed from the rep...

Various Gnome Theming
by fkorpsvart
These are themes for Gnome Text Editor and Gedit to complement the GTK Catppuccin themes.----------------------------------------- ‹› ---------------------------------------- Installing GeditCurrently, the new GNOME Text Editor is installed by default, and Gedit can be installed from the rep...
1 comment

Various Gnome Theming
by fkorpsvart
These are themes for Gnome Text Editor and Gedit to complement the GTK Tokyonight themes.----------------------------------------- ‹› ---------------------------------------- Installing GeditCurrently, the new GNOME Text Editor is installed by default, and Gedit can be installed from the rep...
1 comment

Various Gnome Theming
by fkorpsvart
These are themes for Gnome Text Editor and Gedit to complement the GTK Rose Pine themes.----------------------------------------- ‹› ---------------------------------------- Installing GeditCurrently, the new GNOME Text Editor is installed by default, and Gedit can be installed from the rep...

Various Gnome Theming
by fkorpsvart
These are themes for Gnome Text Editor and Gedit to complement the GTK Material themes.----------------------------------------- ‹› ---------------------------------------- Installing GeditCurrently, the new GNOME Text Editor is installed by default, and Gedit can be installed from the rep...

Various Gnome Theming
by fkorpsvart
These are themes for Gnome Text Editor and Gedit to complement the GTK Gruvbox themes.----------------------------------------- ‹› ---------------------------------------- Installing GeditCurrently, the new GNOME Text Editor is installed by default, and Gedit can be installed from the rep...

Various Gnome Theming
by fkorpsvart
These are themes for Gnome Text Editor and Gedit to complement the GTK Everforest themes.----------------------------------------- ‹› ---------------------------------------- Installing GeditCurrently, the new GNOME Text Editor is installed by default, and Gedit can be installed from the rep...

Various Gnome Theming
by fkorpsvart
These are themes for Gnome Text Editor and Gedit to complement the GTK Kanagawa themes.----------------------------------------- ‹› ---------------------------------------- Installing GeditCurrently, the new GNOME Text Editor is installed by default, and Gedit can be installed from the rep...
Catppuccin Theme for Gnome Text Editor
Various Gnome Theming
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