by berndmj
Kdenlive Project Files
Score 5.0
11 months ago
2 years ago
by legacymedia
by diegoduarte
Score 5.3
New Users
Problem with download Themes
Gifs dont work properly on open desktop even though it is listed as a supported type
Lower Thirds Minimalist Animated
Hello, thanks for the tip, I already changed to the correct category.
Well done! Very simple and elegant. This is not a title template in the strict kdenlive file taxonomy (a true title template has the .kdenlivetitle file suffix) but a simple project file (with...
Slideshow Template
Thank you very much for your rating and comment. Anything specific from there in mind?
Animated Intro Title
Thank you very much for the rating and your comment. I am indeed working on more templates but please keep in mind they are not templates like what is possible with DR (I don't know AE). Whenever...
Thanks and much appreciated. Can you please make more better looking professionally designed templates for Kdenlive and Shotcut like those on Themeforest for Adobe AfterEffects, Davinci Resolve,...
Lower Thirds Minimalist Animated
Kdenlive Project Files
Hello, thanks for the tip, I already changed to the correct category.