Multi Screen Frame [MSF] - Push up
Kdenlive Project Files
by berndmj
This Multi Screen Frame template is for four videos. The first one is pushed up (three slices moving at different speeds) and the other ones are sliding in from below.The template is for 1080p @ 30fps projects and is optimized for clips/images with the same dimensions. Adjustments need to be...

Animated Intro Title
Kdenlive Project Files
by berndmj
Animated Intro Title Template inspired by a 3sat documentary (I don't take credit for the design and animation but for the kdenlive port).This title animation requires nine tracks for itself. I recommend to load the project file, adjust to your needs and then save it as a library file (select...

Multi Screen Frame [MSF] - 3 videos pop up
Kdenlive Project Files
by berndmj
This Multi Screen Frame template is for three videos. They all pop up in sequence taking different spaces on screen.The template is for 1080p @ 30fps projects and is optimized for clips/images with the same dimensions. Adjustments need to be made if clips with different dimensions are used....

Multi Screen Frame [MSF] - Slide and Split
Kdenlive Project Files
by berndmj
This Multi Screen Frame template is for three videos/images. Two slide in from the yop and bottom, respectively, the third one from the right being split in the middle.The template is for 1080p @ 30fps projects and is optimized for clips/images with the same dimensions. Adjustments need to be...

Multi Screen Frame [MSF] - Two Circles
Kdenlive Project Files
by berndmj
This multi screen frame template is for two videos/images being revealed through growing circular cutouts and a fade-out at the end.The template is for 1080p @ 30fps projects and is optimized for clips/images with the same dimensions. Adjustments need to be made if clips with different...

Multi Screen Frame [MSF] - Slide Up and Down
Kdenlive Project Files
by berndmj
This project file is a template for two videos or images. One slides in from top to bottom, the other from bottom up. A barn door style wipe ends the slideshow.The template is for 1080p @ 30fps projects and is optimized for clips/images with the same dimensions. Adjustments need to be made if...

Multi Screen Frame [MSF] - Slide Circle
Kdenlive Project Files
by berndmj
This project file is for two videos/images. The first one slides down, the second one is coming in from the center in a circle.The template is for 1080p @ 30fps projects and is optimized for clips/images with the same dimensions. Adjustments need to be made if clips with different dimensions are...

Multi Screen Frame [MSF] - Circle Reveal
Kdenlive Project Files
by berndmj
Multi Screen Frame for six videos with barn-door wipe at the end.The template is for 1080p @ 30fps projects and is optimized for clips/images with the same dimensions. Adjustments need to be made if clips with different dimensions are used. Templates with circles DO NOT work with portrait source...

Animated Title
Kdenlive Project Files
by berndmj
This .kdenlive project file creates an animated title with see-through text. It is based on a standard title template from Davinci Resolve. I don't take credit for the artistic concept and creativity, only for the port to kdenlive.

Three Line Drop
Kdenlive Project Files
by berndmj
This kdenlive project file creates a three line title with the main title dropping in from behind the camera

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