by verismei
Various Plasma 6 Improvements
Score 5.0
2 weeks ago
Score 5.8
1 Comment
by dangvd
Score 6.7
3 days ago
Crystal Dock
*thumpsup*,*thumpsup* best regards Blacky
That would require Crystal Dock to be in the official repo, but it's not the case yet. I'll look into it in the longer term though. Cheers,
Hi Dangvd, take a look : left top by side of konsole, this widget/applet/miniprogram, for see the updates : dnf/apt...
3 weeks ago
You mean the check-update icon on Crystal Dock itself, or on Plasma panel/desktop? I think self-updating might be hard, but some sort of notification might be more doable.
4 weeks ago
no problem, yes, something like the update-appet where has exist in QT5 at past(but no more update/support), if you have become with and have see it, a small applet-window with a button for Check...
1 month ago
Crystal Dock
Various Plasma 6 Improvements
*thumpsup*,*thumpsup* best regards Blacky