Search results for "gtk-theme"


Zorin Dark Theme

GTK3/4 Themes by schorpy
ZorinX Desktop dark theme for Zorin OS 16 and 17.1 download tela icon [URL=][/URL] Open File manager choose Home and click three dots button and select Show Hidden Files or Ctrl+H (if the folder didn't exist, create it) Extract...
zorin zorinos gnome gtk-theme gtk-gnome linux unix theme
Jul 01 2024


GTK3/4 Themes by jasong-designs
This Numix clone is the dark version of OmNu-Ice ([url][/url]). Give your desktop windows and apps a cool and dark color scheme with OmNu-Ice-dark. Installation instructions are at this theme's GitHub page: [url][/url] The...
gtk-theme openbox-3 xfwm4 cinnamon linux unix theme gnome
Dec 28 2022


GTK3/4 Themes by jasong-designs
OmNu-Ice is a cool, light blue/gray theme collection. Created in Themix (formerly known as Oomox), this is a Numix clone. Being a Themix generated theme, OmNu-Ice is compatible with GNOME, Xfce, Cinnamon and Openbox. OmNu-Ice uses the font Source Sans Pro as it's preferred font and the...
gtk-theme xfce openbox-3 cinnamon linux unix theme gnome
Oct 27 2022

DarK - alternate Xfwm

XFCE/XFWM4 Themes by cipricus
This is just a Xfce (Xfwm) window theme that represents a slight modification of the one included in the "DarK" GTK theme (, and is meant as a variation to that. It replaces the original three colors of the window buttons...
gtk-theme linux theme unix
Feb 17 2020


Full Icon Themes by felipefacundes
FF-DarkWoodGold é um Tema que lembra uma Madeira bem escura, tem tons dourados e vermelhos. É legível, é Dark e muito atrativo aos olhos. (FF - Felipe Facundes). FF-DarkWoodGold is a Theme that resembles a very dark wood, has golden and red tones. It is readable, dark and very attractive to th...
gtk-theme icon-theme linux unix
Apr 09 2019


GTK3/4 Themes by felipefacundes
FF-Mahogany is a theme reminiscent of Madeira: Mahogany. It is legible, almost dark and very attractive to the eyes. (FF - Felipe Facundes). FF-Mogno é um Tema que lembra a Madeira: Mogno. É legível, quase Dark e muito atrativo aos olhos. (FF - Felipe Facundes).
gnome gtk-theme linux theme unix
Apr 09 2019

Adapta Colorpack

GTK3/4 Themes by joshaby
[h1]Adapta Colorpack[/h1] Modified version of [url=]Adapta Theme[/url] by [url=]Adapta Project[/url] This theme use the ideia of [url=]Adapta...
adapta cinnamon colorpack gnome gtk-theme linux theme unix
Jan 19 2021

Azure Theme

GTK3/4 Themes by stickybranches
Azure is a GTK theme which is based on Arc and uses semi-dark elements with good contrast. It comes in three variants: - Azure (Light theme with dark titlebars) - Azure-Dark (Dark theme) - Azure-Pastel (A bluer version of Azure) If you wish to download the latest git version, you can run...
azure blue gnome gtk gtk-theme linux theme unix
May 18 2020

Macbuntu-Sierra-Dark-O color theme collection

GTK3/4 Themes by brk95
gtk3 themes based on Macbuntu-Sierra-Dark-O theme by Christian Medel (Elbullazul) gtk3 assets and gtk2 themes based on ravefinty project's Vivacious Colors GTK...
dark gnome gtk-theme linux macosx pardus red theme unix
Nov 09 2019

GlossyBlack GTK2/3 Theme

GTK3/4 Themes by redtide
A GTK+2/3 theme based on OrangeLiNstaBlackPlastic at [url][/url]. On GTK2 requires both pixbuf (menu and panel button backgrounds) and murrine theme engines, GTK3.20+ compatible. A theme for my every day use but still a work in progress,...
glossy gnome gtk gtk-theme gtk2 gtk3 linux theme unix
Jun 10 2019