Search results for "oldschool"



Beryl/Emerald Themes by zinjanthr0pus
I think Crux may be one of the greatest window decoration styles ever conceived. As such I have attempted to port it to to emerald. I will say that I've found it difficult to figure out how to get it to look right with the colorschemes I generally use for my desktop, but here it is all the...
classic crux linux oldschool unix
Mar 18 2022

Punktate 2 color-schemes

Beryl/Emerald Themes by zinjanthr0pus
This theme is sort of a mix of influences, but I was inspired by the "Dimples" Mac OS9 theme. I also wouldn't be terribly surprised if something similar to this had been made at some point in the X11 past. The theme is based on a titlebar with a sort of dot texture. For an embossed texture,...
dimples dots linux oldschool platinum retro unix
Mar 26 2022

PixelFun 2

Cursors by ainola
Low-poly old-school with a sharp edge. Wanna see more previews of the themes? See This cursor theme was created by zealkane ( and the original files are hosted on DeviantArt...
8-bit cursor green linux oldschool pixelart retro unix
Mar 14 2022


Beryl/Emerald Themes by zinjanthr0pus
This is a quick and dirty copy of the Apple Platinum window decorations using the emerald pixmap engine. I have also created a script to recolor this theme that I will upload separately. Note that it doesn't work too well with kwin's smaragd plugin because of a bug:...
apple classic linux oldschool pixmap platinum unix
Feb 22 2019

QPlatinum Colors

Beryl/Emerald Themes by zinjanthr0pus
This is actually a script that allows you to get a custom-colored Apple Platinum style window decoration. I will attach my example emerald themes and also a tarball containing the script. The three examples are each based on a kde colorscheme. Specifically: breeze cde, reactionary pine, and...
cde linux oldschool pine platinum steelblue unix
Feb 22 2019

PLATINUM [GTK2 theme designed for XFCE4]

GTK2 Themes by bronzu
This is a simple theme combination of Mac-OS-X DP (by an unknown creator) and Classic Platinum Streamlined (by libertyernie) to make a GTK2 theme that works well with the XFCE4 environment. More info in the readme file attached with the download. The window manager theme is PlatiPlus created by...
apple classic gnome gtk2 linux macos8 oldschool retro theme unix
May 12 2019