Kmint-1.0 Plymouth Theme
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Update 10-06-12
Thank You to 'HardinComp' for posting updated installation instructions.
You can view them Here: http://wp.me/p2FqWZ-19w
The below instruction are out of date, and I am no longer using a system with plymouth installed. Please view the above link for current installation instructions. Thanks!
This is my 3rd attempt at a plymouth theme. I hope you enjoy it!
To install: Download the ZIP file. Extract the folder
Kmint-1.0. In terminal cd to the folder you extracted the Kmint-1.0 folder into.
TYPE IN TERMINAL (without the ""):
"sudo cp -R Kmint-1.0/ /lib/plymouth/themes/"
"sudo update-alternatives --install /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /lib/plymouth/themes/Kmint-1.0/Kmint.plymouth 100"
"sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth" #here, choose the number of the theme you want to use then hit enter
"sudo update-initramfs -u"
*You can change the gear image to any of the 3 provided. Simply change the name of the gear you would like to "animation.png" without the quotes. Or you could chose to create you own.
**You can change the background color by replacing "(0.14, 0.0, 0.56)" without the quotes on lines 44 and 45 with any hex color code you wish. Or comment out "#" lines 44 and 45(place the "#" without the quotes at the beginning of each line). This will give you a black background.
***You can also place a background/wallpaper by simply copying the background of your choosing into the Kmint-1.0 folder and renaming it "background.png" without the quotes. The script defaults to a background.png when one is located in this folder. THE IMAGE MUST BE IN PNG FORMAT! Use Gimp to convert jpeg, etc.
****Lastly to enable the PROGRESS BAR animation as well, uncomment line 233 by removing the "#" without the quotes at the beginning of that line.
Once the theme has been installed to /lib/plymouth/themes remember to run "sudo update-initramfs -u" without the quotes, each time you make a change to this folder or script.
If you are having trouble with plymouth resolution check out this page, it worked for me!
Thank You to 'HardinComp' for posting updated installation instructions.
You can view them Here: http://wp.me/p2FqWZ-19w
The below instruction are out of date, and I am no longer using a system with plymouth installed. Please view the above link for current installation instructions. Thanks!
This is my 3rd attempt at a plymouth theme. I hope you enjoy it!
To install: Download the ZIP file. Extract the folder
Kmint-1.0. In terminal cd to the folder you extracted the Kmint-1.0 folder into.
TYPE IN TERMINAL (without the ""):
"sudo cp -R Kmint-1.0/ /lib/plymouth/themes/"
"sudo update-alternatives --install /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /lib/plymouth/themes/Kmint-1.0/Kmint.plymouth 100"
"sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth" #here, choose the number of the theme you want to use then hit enter
"sudo update-initramfs -u"
*You can change the gear image to any of the 3 provided. Simply change the name of the gear you would like to "animation.png" without the quotes. Or you could chose to create you own.
**You can change the background color by replacing "(0.14, 0.0, 0.56)" without the quotes on lines 44 and 45 with any hex color code you wish. Or comment out "#" lines 44 and 45(place the "#" without the quotes at the beginning of each line). This will give you a black background.
***You can also place a background/wallpaper by simply copying the background of your choosing into the Kmint-1.0 folder and renaming it "background.png" without the quotes. The script defaults to a background.png when one is located in this folder. THE IMAGE MUST BE IN PNG FORMAT! Use Gimp to convert jpeg, etc.
****Lastly to enable the PROGRESS BAR animation as well, uncomment line 233 by removing the "#" without the quotes at the beginning of that line.
Once the theme has been installed to /lib/plymouth/themes remember to run "sudo update-initramfs -u" without the quotes, each time you make a change to this folder or script.
If you are having trouble with plymouth resolution check out this page, it worked for me!
Ratings & Comments
I got your Plymouth theme and had to make some changes to your instructions for my system. LMDE doesn't use /lib/plymouth/themes/ as the location for themes, it uses /usr/share/plymouth/themes/. I also couldn't get it working on my system until I read this post on the Linux Mint Forums (http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=189&t=78495). Also, you instruction to run "sudo update-alternatives --install /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /lib/plymouth/themes/Kmint-1.0/Kmint.plymouth 100" results in an error, even with the changed path. Luckily the instructions given on the Mint Forums got it installed, although I'm still having problems getting the progressbar to show up, but I'll chase that down later. I've got some screenshots on a blog post I wrote to try to get the problem resolved in case you want to see them (http://wp.me/p7lYn-19w).
Just a quick note that I moved the article I wrote to my new Linux site. I wanted to edit my previous comment but couldn't so it's now at http://wp.me/p2FqWZ-19w .
Thank you for you post and the link to your updated instructions. I posted this plymouth some time ago, and am no longer using linux mint or any debian derivative. So i am out of touch with the entire plymouth thing. I hope you find the theme enjoyable. Thank you for taking the time to help improve the experience for others. --Cheers!
Thanks for all your work in making it. I love having it available.
You are very welcome! I hope it is fine with you that i posted the link to your instruction page. You are actually the only person who has made a comment about this theme. Thanx again!