Fantasy blue,grey,green,violet, Plymouth
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Per installare il tema Mib dovete fare le seguenti procedure:
tar xvzf Fantasy-Blue.tar.gz
pass: (inserire la vostra password)
cp -rv /home/vostroutente/Fantasy-Blue /usr/share/plymouth/themes
Fatto questo per rendere definitivo il nostro tema fate così:
plymouth-set-default-theme Fantasy-Blue
Fatta tutta la procedura riavviate e vi ritroverete con il nuovo tema.
Tema plymouth per mandriva
To install the theme Mib have to do the following procedures:
tar xvzf Fantasy-Blue.tar.gz
pass: (enter your password)
cp-rv /home /useraccount /Fantasy-Blue /usr/share/plymouth/themes
This done to make our final issue do this:
plymouth-set-default-theme Fantasy-Blue
Without the whole procedure and you will restart with the new theme.
Plymouth themes for mandriva
* Sun June 14 2010 Calogero Scarní - Version 1.1
- Inserted in place of wheel disc ( color green, blue and white )
- Change name Mandriva International Backports
-Insert themes Grey, Green and Violet
-Update Tag and install correct theme
* Sun June 13 2010 Calogero Scarní - Version 1.0.1
- Inserted in place of wheel disc ( color green )
- Change name Mandriva International Backports
-Insert themes Grey, Green and Violet
* Sun June 13 2010 Calogero Scarní - Version 1.0
- New Boot
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