KSplashX Readme: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/ksplash/ksplashx/README?view=markup KSplashX default themes: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/ksplash/ksplashx/themes/ KSplashX blend script used to create the animations: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/ksplash/ksplashx/utils/blend.py?view=markup Idea by: http://pinheiro-kde.blogspot.com/2008/06/candy-comes-in-many-colors.html
This theme doesn't work for me. WHen I install i, and click test, it says "Unable to start ksplashx". When I then logout and back in, a black screen is shown instead of splash.
Seems to be a ksplashx bug. It only works with Themes that are located in the systemwide Themes directory. It ignores all themes in the user's home directory.
Yeah, doesn't work when installed in /home/[user]/.kde4/share/apps/ksplash/Themes but moving directory in /usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/ makes it!
So :
1) Install theme with "System settings"
2) mv /home/[user]/.kde4/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/[ThemeName] /usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/
Awesome theme! Thanks
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This theme doesn't work for me. WHen I install i, and click test, it says "Unable to start ksplashx". When I then logout and back in, a black screen is shown instead of splash.
Seems to be a ksplashx bug. It only works with Themes that are located in the systemwide Themes directory. It ignores all themes in the user's home directory.
Yeah, doesn't work when installed in /home/[user]/.kde4/share/apps/ksplash/Themes but moving directory in /usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/ makes it! So : 1) Install theme with "System settings" 2) mv /home/[user]/.kde4/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/[ThemeName] /usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/ Awesome theme! Thanks