Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
If you have any suggestion feel free to post a comment.
To fix libreoffice issue please use this variable:
export env OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP=kde
0.1 to 0.3: Internal conception with a lot of changes.
0.4: I changed the text color, I hope you will like, if it\'s a problem say it.
0.4.1: I changed color link to be more visible.
0.4.2;: Wow I\'m awmfull sorry! I just notice that the download link wasn\'t there!!! This is due to kde\'s color scheme upload service... So I do it manually and sorry for those who were interested by it.
0.5: A lot a very small improvements:
- I brightning up the windows text color
- The windows background color is know no more white but pink very very very very extremely light...
- And buttons had their color changed, they are less pinky(or more?oO)
0.5.1: Come back to a white window background
1.0: Lots of improvements! Now buttons are pink with white text, libreoffice is now well supported with menu text in pink color, infobulles are now in black and pink and it\\\'s match more with the theme.
Ratings & Comments
Thanks for theme, it's very good & it's my current theme;) But can someone check the theme with libreoffice? I've got dark menu color with black menu text there:/ it's hard to read it. is that just my problem? or a "bug" in theme?;)
It's a libreoffice issue. nevertheless I found a workarround about it! With it I can't make miracles I just made able pink police in menu bar (not in parameters eg). So add to your bash.rc or zsh.rc file or/and in a file named something.sh and autostart at startup the following text: export env OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP=none Ho and thanks for using the theme^^.
Thanks for answer, this 2 commands worked for me: "export env OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP=none export GTK2_RC_FILES=/usr/share/themes/Default/gtk-2.0-key/gtkrc" now menu text's readable but colour theme is ugly (default LO:/). i've also too low contrast on xterm (light silver text+ white background). one more thing if you'd on dolphin "text next to icons" it's too dark (black text + dark background). Chears
I've just checked the "htb" colour theme and libreoffice looks good without any workaround. but it has a problem with xterm (white text + white background:D )
For libreoffice you should have something like this http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1316969043.png, if not remember to install oxygen-gtk and have this ~./gtkrc-2.0-kde4 file: http://pastebin.com/Kr3qBTZR P.S: do not use export GTK2_RC_FILES=/usr/share/themes/Default/gtk-2.0-key/gtkrc it may libreoffice looks terrible^^. Eventually for xterm try this command: xterm -fg LightGoldenrod1 -bg grey20 I'm sure you will like it^^, Beside can you send me a screenshot of your problem in dolphin, thanks.
Oooh, pretty!! Nice soothing color scheme.
Thanks ^^!
Ho sorry, now you can try it as it was supposed to be in the first time... Very sorry for this sucking bug.