Liberation Sans regular 11 is a very pretty Font for this Theme here, in my Sense.
If you wish to use a very fine green Light around you Windows, go into the System Settings:
> Workspace Appearance > Window Decorations > Oxygen // Configure Decoration > Shadows > Active Window Glow > Inner Color: #00C000
Quassel use by default the global KDE Color Scheme and it is possible to tune it fine in its Settings.
If you use KMail, i recommend you to change the Color Settings from it in its Settings; Configure KMail, Appearance, Colors and use costum colors. Edit that one for unread Messages from Blue into White (#FFFFFF)
Suggestions are very welcome;
Ratings & Comments
happy with it ?
Maybe its Time for you, to fall in Love: :D http://sourceforge.net/projects/kaostorrents/files/KaOS_2014.03.iso.torrent/download
I like dark color schemes, BUT, not every app comfortable to use with them, and that one is not exception. LibreOffice Writer... I just cant use it, with this color scheme Sadly. But in general, this is great one scheme! I'll rate it "+"
I develop on a pure KDE SC Distro and use Calligra.
Okay, I tried "Calligra", and it have the same problem with dark schemes, as LibreOffice - i see nothing in icon comments, just look to left side. http://s1.postimg.org/4pguldsan/snapshot3.png How did you handle that? Did you?
It works nice here with Zion (Reversed) and Krita (Darker). http://i.imgur.com/oVjqBUV.png Du you try to use Liberation Sans already ?
Yes, the same thing, but thank you for answer :) http://s24.postimg.org/g8yh69ch1/snapshot4.png
I dont know why, it works fine with all these Themes in my Distribution.
Ubuntu 13.10 i386 + KDE 4.11.5 I mean, i did not install Kubuntu, I installed Ubuntu and than run "apt-get install kubuntu-desctop"