Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
© 2025 xfce-look.org - Eyecandy for your XFCE-Desktop
All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
Have a GTK theme with same colors? forcing kde to use the qt theme in gtk apps look too bad :(
I would love to use it but every time i go to install it it just pops up as a list of command prompt items(i guess you could call them that) So i was wondering if you could fix that or tell me how to use that to my advantage cause i'm a new linux user and i'm trying to learn as much as i can so i don't have to keep doing this. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Thanks. The easiest way to install it is to open system settings and click on appearance then colors. Then there's a button on the right called "Get new schemes". If you click that, you can browse through a list of color schemes from this site and click a button to install them. Otherwise, you can right click on the download link and save target as. Then you can hit the import theme button under system settings and load it from there.
What's the icon theme please?
Hi 1945ii. The icon theme is just the [url=http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Oxygen+Refit+Black?content=89298]Oxygen Refit Black[/url] theme with different folder icons. The folder icons are available [url=http://delta909.deviantart.com/art/Aquave-Aluminum-92420873]here.[/url] I have a little script that will replace all the folder icons in a theme at once. Quote:
convert -geometry 128x128 -sharpen 0x.4 $1 ./128x128/places/$2
convert -geometry 64x64 -sharpen 0x.4 $1 ./64x64/places/$2
convert -geometry 48x48 -sharpen 0x.4 $1 ./48x48/places/$2
convert -geometry 32x32 -sharpen 0x.4 $1 ./32x32/places/$2
convert -geometry 22x22 -sharpen 0x.4 $1 ./22x22/places/$2
convert -geometry 16x16 -sharpen 0x.4 $1 ./16x16/places/$2
exit 0
Install Oxygen Refit Black and create a text file in the directory ~/.kde4/share/icons/OxygenRefit2-black-version . (Note that this may be under your ~/.kde directory.) Save it as places and make it executable. Drop Generic.png from Aquave Aluminum in the same directory and run the script like this: ./places Generic.png folder.png
I hope this is clear enough. Let me know if you have any trouble.
Thanks so much!
This scheme just rocks :)