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Ratings & Comments
10 the best
10 10 the best
Thank you so much, you are the boss! :D
It is the color scheme that fits the bill.
Yeeee great color scheme! What is the theme for kde 4.0 you use? Some modificated Oxygen? ;)
If you mean the widget style, it's just Oxygen, but it is circa KDE 4.0.
Errrr... What does it mean "circa"? Oxygen is ugly but your theme is just cool! =] What are differents between them? Sorry 4 language ;] "circa": roughly, "as of approximately". IOW, it's Oxygen as it was in KDE 4.0 (or thereabouts; I use SVN so it's possible it is a version that never existed in an actual release). Do you really like the old progress bars and scroll bars that much? Otherwise I don't see much difference between that and current Oxygen (if you configure it for 'plain' tabs and 'x' check style, anyway).
Thank You, now I understand :). Yes, I think this is kind of different look'n'feel. I don't like Oxygen style at all, so I'm searching 4 something like plastik or lipstik:)
finally i found a beautiful theme!
I just love it. Congrats :D