
Plasma 4 Extensions

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this is a plasmoid for KDE. it can monitor cpu and nvidia video card temperatures for you recently. nvidia-smi command is run for detecting nvidia video card temperature, so if you'd like to monitor it, you should make sure nvidia-smi command is in your path.
some machine's motherboard doesn't report cpu temperature to operating system and this plasmoid can not retrieve cpu temperature from acpi, in this situation,this plasmoid will try to read cpu temperature from sensors command, so you must have finished the sensors' configuration with sensors-detect command.
download the file plasmoid-hwmon.plasmoid and save it to any directory you like.
run the following command to install this plasmoid:
plasmapkg -i /path/to/plasmoid-hwmon.plasmoid

if you have already installed this plasmoid,run the following command to update this plasmoid:
plasmapkg -u /path/to/plasmoid-hwmon.plasmoid, then remove this plasmoid from panel and add it again.


support ati video card temperature monitor.

add color configurations.

if you encounter any problem while using this plasmoid, you can check 'enable trace' in configuration window, then wait for about 9 seconds( 3 times of default update period), and then email this file '/tmp/net.ubuntudaily.hwmon.log' to me, of cource, you should also describe what's your problem.
Last changelog:

2014-03-07 feature:
(1). add a new configuration (bypass acpi) to help to retrieve cpu temperature directly from sensors command withou giving acpi a try.
(2). merge net.ubuntudaily.hwmon.trace.log and into net.ubuntudaily.hwmon.log, so from now on your should email net.ubuntudaily.hwmon.log to me for debug purpose.
2013-5-22 feature: you can see build time in the configuration window now
2013-5-22 fix: if there is never data from acpi datasource, try to retreive cpu temperature from sensors command
2013-5-21 fix:when failed to connect data source 'acpi/Thermal_Zone/0/Temperature', try to utilize sensors
2013-5-20 fix:some machine's motherboard can not provide cpu temperature to os,in this situation cpu temperature will be read from sensors' command
2013-5-20 fix:/run directory does not exist in some this situation temp data will be writen to /tmp

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..after upgrade to nvidia-340.76 no output gpu-temp. In main.js replace in Line 317 nvidia-smi -q -d TEMPERATURE|grep Gpu|cut -d: -f2> to nvidia-smi -q -d TEMPERATURE|grep Current|cut -d: -f2> output is Ok. THX


..after upgrade to nvidia-340.76 no output gpu-temp. In main.js replace in Line 317 nvidia-smi -q -d TEMPERATURE|grep Gpu|cut -d: -f2> to nvidia-smi -q -d TEMPERATURE|grep Current|cut -d: -f2> output is Ok. THX


The CPU temp is incorrect on my system. I see you get the CPU with temp1 : sensors|grep 'temp1'|cut -d: -f2 But for me the real temp is that one : Physical id 0 It will be good if you can make that detection automatic like in Simple CPU Sensor Thank you


When no temp is available like for nvidia, it should just not show it, instead of showing a question mark.


in .kde/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/net_ubuntudaily_plasmoid_hwmon/contents/code/main.js if i change function setCpuTempLabel(temp){ cpuTempLabel.text = '<font color="yellow">' + 'C' + temp + '</font>'; } from <font color="yellow"> to <font color="blue"> my little problem is gone! yayyyyyyy ;-)


i like this plasmoid! working 100% in Mint 14 but ... i have a little problem red color for GPU is ok but on my plasma color configuration that CPU yellow is hardly reading ... from where i can change this color settings!?


I looks that this plasmoid dont work - its installed and put in panel - i can get to settings but theres NO output in panel for CPU or GPU - i have nvidia-smi in my path. MyOS: Linux Mint 14 / KDE 4.10.3


hi, vaxxipooh, thanks for your feedback ! to help me localize the source of the problem, would you please check 'enable trace ' for about 10 seconds, then email this file '/tmp/net.ubuntudaily.hwmon.trace.log' to me?


Hi Here's the out from the log file: -------- snip ------------------- trace : data source name :UTC trace : nvidia-smi -q -d TEMPERATURE|grep Gpu|cut -d: -f2>/run/user/1000/net.ubuntudaily.hwmon.gpu.temp trace : slotGPUDataHandleFinished: trace : gpuTempRequestMissedPercent : 1% -------- snap ------------------- Look's like wrong user there "1000" and not my login user name and theres no "1000" under "/run/user" either when the plasmoid runs . . . the missing info for CPU is maybe that i dont have "acpi/Thermal_Zone/0/Temperature" on my system (i use LM Sensors). Have fun :-)



Look's like wrong user there "1000" and not my login user name and theres no "1000" under "/run/user" either when the plasmoid runs
the directory /run is a tmpfs, and it exists in memory, so file manipulation in this directory is faster than in normal file system. 1000 is current user id, not user name.i think i should fallback to /tmp if /run does not exist Quote:
the missing info for CPU is maybe that i dont have "acpi/Thermal_Zone/0/Temperature" on my system (i use LM Sensors)
i should have realized that the directory /proc/acpi/thermal_zone is not always capable of providing cpu temperature informations. i should fallback to utilize sensors. is this directory empty in your machine?


Hi again :-) In /proc/acpi i have just event and wakeup - i running your plasmoid just at the moment and thereis NO output whatsoever in /run/user Ihope you can fix this coz i like this idea to have to monitor my CPU and GPU in the panel where i can see it all the time ;-) Have a nice summerday


these two problems have been fixed.thanks for your feedback! enjoy fun!


i have updated the way how to update this plasmoid in the description.


It sort of works now . . partially, i can see the GPU readings but not CPU readings .. from the log: trace : data source name :UTC trace : nvidia-smi -q -d TEMPERATURE|grep Gpu|cut -d: -f2>/tmp/net.ubuntudaily.hwmon.gpu.temp trace : slotGPUDataHandleFinished: trace : gpuTempRequestMissedPercent : 85.71% ---- I can see in main.js that the sensors command is somehow rigth as of sensors|grep temp1 for me the command sensors|grep temp1|cut -d: -f2 outputs this long string: +34.0°C (low = +127.0°C, high = +127.0°C) sensor = thermistor there's nothing in the /tmp dir from the cpu readings. Keep the work up :-)


Works like a Charm now on my Linux Mint 14 - Bruce had take time so it will work whith LM sensors now . . Its excellent to see your temperature reading in the panel - then you see it all the time . . .

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