Hughesnet Status
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
- make sure Plan Remaining says 0 when it's 0 (sometimes it remained non-zero even though the status changed to orange(fapped)
- recognize the 2-7 free time and change a couple of things accordingly
- now requires pytz as a dependency
??? - quick question if anyone knows, is the free time 2-7 Eastern, or 2-7 varying based on your local time zone? I'm assuming Eastern for now, set me straight if I'm wrong.
- shade icon as fap depletes
- display % beneath icon
- set the script up for possible future expansion
- renamed fap-status to account for the possibility of the aforementioned
- initial release
Ratings & Comments
Just tried the newest and still no love. I wish I knew enough to help you debug. shawnr@suse-laptop:~> plasmaengineexplorer Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/kde4/apps/plasma_scriptengine_python/pydataengine.py", line 68, in sourceRequestEvent return self.pydataengine.sourceRequestEvent(name) File "/home/shawnr/.kde4/share/apps/plasma/dataengines/engine-fap-monitor/contents/code/main.py", line 25, in sourceRequestEvent return self.updateSourceEvent(name) File "/home/shawnr/.kde4/share/apps/plasma/dataengines/engine-fap-monitor/contents/code/main.py", line 44, in updateSourceEvent fap_soup = re.sub('<.*?>','\n',fap_soup) File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/re.py", line 151, in sub return _compile(pattern, 0).sub(repl, string, count) TypeError: expected string or buffer
Well, uploaded to the same place again ... went through and did all the changes I was intending to save for later, hopefully it'll help.
Thanks for all the help. I ran the engine and got this output: shawnr@suse-laptop:~> plasmaengineexplorer Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/kde4/apps/plasma_scriptengine_python/pydataengine.py", line 68, in sourceRequestEvent return self.pydataengine.sourceRequestEvent(name) File "/home/shawnr/.kde4/share/apps/plasma/dataengines/engine-fap-monitor/contents/code/main.py", line 25, in sourceRequestEvent return self.updateSourceEvent(name) File "/home/shawnr/.kde4/share/apps/plasma/dataengines/engine-fap-monitor/contents/code/main.py", line 43, in updateSourceEvent fap_soup = re.sub('<.*?>','\n',fap_soup) UnboundLocalError: local variable 'fap_soup' referenced before assignment
ah, I made a silly mistake, hopefully there won't be too many more ... fixed, same url.
Ready to be a guinea pig? Hopefully it will work, here's what you need to do: download this file: http://www.xnowherex.com/linux/engine-fap-monitor.zip unzip it edit the file engine-fap-monitor/contents/code/main.py Change the username and password to what you would use when logging in (lines 11 and 12 of main.py) Save changes Run 'plasmapkg -t dataengine -i engine-fap-monitor' (the folder) To test it, run plasmaengineexplorer, pick engine-fap-monitor from the list and see if it displays your usage data for the WildBlue source.
The URL doesn't change once logged in, so I guess the process is hidden. Might be out of luck. I don't know how to find out where the usage info comes from. New screenshot: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/9661957/snapshot2.png
I still need the _full_ source of the page after login. right click, view source :)
I forgot the URL! https://myusage.wildblue.net/UsageGUI/pages/webapp-index.xhtml Here is a screenshot after logging in: https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Photos/snapshot2.png?w=61a7d690
Umm, I'll need the source of the page with the info (after login) so I can figure out how to extract the info from it. Also, the screenshot is giving me a 403 forbidden error.
Here is the URL to check usage, but you have to log in to see it. It may be more trouble than it's worth. I'm not sure how such things work on the backend. I'm not sure if this is querying WB servers, or the modem. Maybe I can post on the WB forums and see if I can check this via CLI.
The URL seems to be absent... The URLs for and snapshots of the login and monitoring pages I definitely need to able to do it. I think I can get it to be login and retrieve the page automatically with python's urllib2. Should be easy. (though, I've never tried it before ... I'll need you to test)
I've been wanting something similar to keep an eye on my wildblue satellite usage without having to open a browser.
Maybe I can do something about that, but I'm not sure. How do you go about checking up on it with Wild Blue? (If possible, things like the URLs, and snapshots of the respective pages would be useful. (That is, unless there is a more intuitive way to get at the data)