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There has been an issue with the character encoding of the date. It should be fixed now, but I couldn't test it myself, since the python bindings for KDE 4.4.1 are still missing in Debian.

Requires KDE > 4.3!

Plasma widget for the daily text (bible verse) selected by the Moravian Church (Herrnhuter Brüdergemeinde). Unfortunately, the widget does not contain an English translation of the bible verses due to copyright issues. Requires python script-engine.

Plasma widget für die (tägliche) Losung der Herrnhuter Brüdergemeinde an. Benötigt die python script-engine.

I started this widget as an exercise for learning the plasma API. I'm not sure if it is of any use for anybody - especially since I cannot provide an English translation of the verses - but don't hesitate to contact me, if you have any suggestions for improvement.
Last changelog:

0.3.3 2011-01-23
[indent]* Added texts for 2011[/indent]
0.3.2 2010-03-15
[indent]* Fixed character encoding issue with strftime (Thanks to Philipp Hahn)[/indent]
0.3.1 2009-11-09
[indent]* Added error message for the case that losungen texts are missing.[/indent]
0.3 2009-11-09
[indent]* Added texts for 2010 and adapted parser to new column ordering.
* Applied patch from Ruthard Baudach with minor modifications; replaces "/" and "#" into HTML format tags.[/indent]
[indent]* Fixed persistence of configuration parameters.[/indent]
[indent]* Added configuration dialog for font size and "Bible URL".
* Fixed encoding issue in the info dialog.[/indent]
0.1.1 Bugfix release.
[indent]* Fixed encoding issue.
* Fixed CSS template.[/indent]
0.1 Initial release.

Ratings & Comments



Since it isn't working anymore, will there be an update for plasma 6? That would be great!


Are there plans to develop a qml plasmoid for kf5?


I made a simple widget analogous to this one for plasma 5 (, I hope it's useful. If you have any suggestions, feel free to drop me a note.


Hello all, I get every time the Message that the Init of the script is failed. I think the reason is the encoding of the CSV-File. The encoding of the CSV-File has changed from ISO8859-1 to utf-16. My First Fix-Steps has not worked. I have changed the lines: self.losungsVers = data[LOSUNG_FORMAT_DICT[year]["losVers"]].decode("ISO8859-1") self.losungsText = data[LOSUNG_FORMAT_DICT[year]["losText"]].decode("ISO8859-1") self.lehrtextVers = data[LOSUNG_FORMAT_DICT[year]["lehrVers"]].decode("ISO8859-1") self.lehrtext = data[LOSUNG_FORMAT_DICT[year]["lehrText"]].decode("ISO8859-1") to self.losungsVers = data[LOSUNG_FORMAT_DICT[year]["losVers"]].decode("utf-16") self.losungsText = data[LOSUNG_FORMAT_DICT[year]["losText"]].decode("utf-16") self.lehrtextVers = data[LOSUNG_FORMAT_DICT[year]["lehrVers"]].decode("utf-16") self.lehrtext = data[LOSUNG_FORMAT_DICT[year]["lehrText"]].decode("utf-16") Has another a working idea? Thanks.


Hej Odysseus, I tried it the other way round: Open the 2015 csv-file and save it in ISO8859-1 encoding. This worked for me. You may find my converted file here: Hope this helps. Be blessed, Stefan


Hello Stefan, Thanks for the converted file. The conversion was also my first Solution-Idea. But then I thougth that this is a Workaroud that must done every year. The better solutios is to solve it on the root. The now wrong Import-of the CSV-File. So I will use the workaround, but I think we should show that we can solve the Issue in a correct way before the next year starts. Oliver


Helped me, too. Hope to use this applet in future, too.


Files can be downloaded at this page.


The King James Version is public domain and copyright laws do not pertain to it. You could use it and be safe.


I have the Losungstexte for 2013 working on my plasma desktop (KDE 4.9.5 release 3). I used the post from FeG Re: "Losungstexte for the year 2011" (Jan 1 2011) as my basis and performed the following 6 steps: 1.) Download the 2013 Texts from 2.) Extract the contents from the file "" 3.) Copy the file "Losungen Free 2013.csv" to the directory ~/.kde4/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/losungen/contents/ 4.) Change the name of the newly copied file to be "losungen13.csv" 5.) Edit the file ~/.kde4/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/losungen/contents/code/ Change the block near line 33 From something like this ... LOSUNG_FORMAT_DICT = { "12" : {"losVers": 3, "losText": 4, "lehrVers": 5, "lehrText": 6}, "09" : {"losVers": 3, "losText": 4, "lehrVers": 5, "lehrText": 6}, "10" : {"losVers": 4, "losText": 3, "lehrVers": 6, "lehrText": 5}, "11" : {"losVers": 3, "losText": 4, "lehrVers": 5, "lehrText": 6}, } ... to this (adding a line for the year 13) LOSUNG_FORMAT_DICT = { "13" : {"losVers": 3, "losText": 4, "lehrVers": 5, "lehrText": 6}, "12" : {"losVers": 3, "losText": 4, "lehrVers": 5, "lehrText": 6}, "09" : {"losVers": 3, "losText": 4, "lehrVers": 5, "lehrText": 6}, "10" : {"losVers": 4, "losText": 3, "lehrVers": 6, "lehrText": 5}, "11" : {"losVers": 3, "losText": 4, "lehrVers": 5, "lehrText": 6}, } 6.) Exit and restart KDE, The Widget should now be working :)


Thank you for posting, worked for me as well!


If you want to update the Losungen texts to 2012 you can download and "execute" it. It will update the Losungen to 2012. If the format of the texts, as provided by, doesn't change, then the same script will also work in the coming years.


Thanks for the Update script. Worked right out of the box.:)


The link to the kretzfamily page to get the updated Losungen seems no longer to exist. Is there any possibility to get the skript anymay? I miss the Losungen on my desktop ;-)


Right, sorry about that. Getting an ISP to provide Internet access for me at home has been (once again) a major problem. I hope to have back up next week.


I've tried changing the URL to and doesn't seem to make any difference. Any suggestions on correct URL for english and NIV?


Also tried Which seems correct but the widget doesn't change at all. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong.


Hallo, habe extra KDE für dieses Plasmoid installiert. Allerdings lässt es sich nicht vie Minianwendungen hinzufügen installieren - der Installer findet in keinem der Unterverzeichnisse des Plasmoids irgendwas, was er installieren könnte. Im README kurz zu erklären, wie man das installiert, wäre wirklich nicht die Welt gewesen. Wie macht man es denn nun?


Hello, your plasma widget is great I use it since 2009. But now I need the texts for the year 2011. When are the new textes avalible? regards Odysseus2010


The new texts are available here: Download the zip file and extract the CSV file to

You than have to edit
as follows (patch)
--- 2011-01-01 13:01:18.000000000 +0100
+++     2011-01-01 13:00:15.000000000 +0100
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@
   "09" : {"losVers": 3, "losText": 4, "lehrVers": 5, "lehrText": 6},
-  "10" : {"losVers": 4, "losText": 3, "lehrVers": 6, "lehrText": 5}
+  "10" : {"losVers": 4, "losText": 3, "lehrVers": 6, "lehrText": 5},
+  "11" : {"losVers": 3, "losText": 4, "lehrVers": 5, "lehrText": 6}
 class Losung(object):
That is, in line 35 ("10" : ...) add a , (comma) at the end of the line and insert the line
  "11" : {"losVers": 3, "losText": 4, "lehrVers": 5, "lehrText": 6}
below line 35. I then had to remove and re-add the plasmoid and it worked. Regards, FeG


Thank you very much, update worked perfectly for me! Great plasmoid, can't live without it any more...


Hello, Thanks for the Patch. It works fine. Now I have the new losungen for the new year. Odysseus2010


I'm sorry for the late update. In case you didn't update the plasmoid yourself already: The new version has the new texts.


You can download a script from and a helper .desktop file from to automate the Update.


nice work ! All fine ! GBY

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version 0.3.3
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 1

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