Application Name Plasmoid
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Shows the application name of the focused windows
* Shows the activity name if no window is focused
* Optionally, it shows the window title (enable this option in the settings)
* Optionally, it shows the application icon (enable this option in the settings)
* A fixed width can be set through the settings dialog
* Font style (bold/italic/underline), family and color are customizable too
* A tooltip shows current application name and windows title
* Add a tooltip which dispays current application name and window title
* Add the option to set the maximum width for the plasmoid
* Add an option which allows to display the activity name everytime or to completely disable this feature (Issue #4).
* Fix cmake install dir
* Add the option to set the font family through the settings dialog
* Fix the Bold setting not restored (Issue #2)
* Fix the plasmoid height in the panel
* Fix the text vertical alignment not centered
* Add the Underline text setting
* Drop the Frame element
* Added an option in the settings to show the application icon
* Fix regression. Center the text ever.
* Added an option in the settings to set the font style (bold or italic)
* Added an option in the settings to set the font color
* Added an option in the settings to set the plasmoid effect (Plain, Raised, Sunken)
* Set a minimum value for the fixed width
* Add an option in the settings panel to set a fixed width
* Downgrade KDE required version to 4.8
* Add an option in the settings panel to show the full window title
* Renamed as Application Name Plasmoid
* Show the name of the activity if there's no window focused
* First release
Ratings & Comments
I was pointed here by the ActiveApp plasmoid developer as I been having a lot of trouble with it lately. Needless to say ApplicationName is working great so far and I love how much customizable it is. Thanks a lot bash!
Can the plasmoid be used to close/minimize/maximize windows? What would you recomend to use with this plasmoid?
Hi, no, there's already the "Current Application Control" plasmoid for that. I use this with the menubar plasmoid. I also disabled the titlebars in KWin so this is useful to me.
I wasn't able to reproduce this on "Slim Glow" theme (at least)
Sorry, wring thread
Can you make it work on KDE 4.10 ? I really need that app
Works here. Which is your issue?
hi, thanks for your nice work, i have a request, you can add an option to disable the text effect please, and just have the text of the name of the application, and also a bug, if you select bold, restarting the change is not saved, and another bug, the text not well centered vertically, for example I'm using a 21px panel and the text of the name of the application is shown further down that the menubar or clock thanks
I have KDE 4.9.2 on Ubuntu 12.10, I have compile the plasmoid widget and got no error message. But everytime I adding the widget to my panel, plasma-desktop always crash. Does it compatible for me? thanks.
sorry my bad, I don't read the dependencies. That it only work for kdebase-workspace 4.9.3, so I have updated my kdebase workspace and now it running smooth. thank you.
First, thanks for your work on this. Second, I run it on KDE 4.9.3 and it works fine. I didn't remove the Kwin titlebar as it's useful to drag and move windows, but i did remove the label text, have some issues with rendering under Emerald. All in all this is very useful in that scenario, especially with the application name option. Great that the font color can be configured, and that there's the "plain" style included. I guess I wish there could be shadows for text, to be consistent with the menubar widget and/or plasma theme text style, but that's minor. One more thing - i first tried installing this via the destkop, add widgets>download... however no dice. It said it installed, but it wasn't available on the system. Compiled it from source though.
Somehow LibreOffice document name and application name are not displayed. Any ideas why? Damn, that is what I needed the most!
Well, I'm back :) here is a screenshot of your plasmoid: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/10/01/plasma-desktopKSs583.png And well, it would be great to have the text displayed by it behave like XBar's. Else, it was a good idea to propose "Sunken, plain or raised" :) An other enhancement would be : Use the default color (in the KDE settings) unless the user ticks a box and chooses an other color (usefull for people using some weird colors in themes or changing often ^_^) Thanks :)
Which KDE version is that? I guess I can't reproduce your issue on KDE 4.9.2. http://wstaw.org/m/2012/10/03/applicationname-plasmoid.png Thanks for the suggestions!
Hi My panel is on the left side. That means that there is only little space horizontally. Some thinks I notized or would like to have improved for this context if possible: * the hight is too high. That means it has quite a big margin vertically. * Could it be possible to break the text dynamiclly depending on the width also with hyphenation? Thanks for your work
Your plasmoid looks better with each new release, thanks. Now my wish: an option to set max/fixed plasmoid width, so beside plasmoids remain in place and not move frantically :D For too large text: * trailing dots (f.i., "Extra-mile in ...") or * scrolling text (very funny; as for <marquee> html tag)
Implemented in 1.4. I chosen the elide option ;)
Awesome!! Now works great. Probably width default value should be greater than 0 and not less of X px (f.i., if a user checks the option and closes config dialog without changing its value, what happens to a 0 width plasmoid?) Many thanks
Is there a way to install in kde 4.8.x ? Gran bel plasmoide,complimenti!!
I don't know. The real plasmoid requirements are the dataengine tasks and org.kde.activites; if you have those, you should be fine. Try disabling the KDE version check in the CMakeLists.txt and see if it works. Let me know, so I downgrade the KDE version in the cmakelists ;)
I just found an old post which references to the org.kde.activities dataengine. The user had KDE 4.7.
i solved by writing 4.8.5 instead 4.9. Also in kubuntu i had to change the prefix in DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/ otherwise plasmoid does not appear in list. Regard the style,how i can use just a label with bold text? Finally click on title can be show a list of current applications on the desktop. Thanks for you work! Ciao :)
About the label with bold text: open main.qml, at line 89, replace "Sunken" by "Plain". Then, add 'font { bold: true }' line after "text:visibleText" (line 97) Maybe I'll add the common font customization in the Settings dialog.
Good idea. Anyway font does not appear bold,here the code: PlasmaComponents.Label { id: text text: visibleText font { bold: true } anchors.verticalCenter: frame.verticalCenter anchors.horizontalCenter: frame.horizontalCenter }
For 'PlasmaComponents.Label' components it's 'font.weight: Font.Bold'. This works for me: PlasmaComponents.Label { id: text text: visibleText font.weight: Font.Bold ,,,