Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
- KDE 4.10.1 or later (4.10 has a bug with notifications)
- libdeclarative-multimedia (for debian based distros, including ubuntu, of course)
- qtmobility (for Arch)
- qt-mobility (other distros)
make sure you have these dependencies installed before add tomatoid to your panel, it may crash your plasma-desktop.
if you still have problems, try to install pulseaudio and ensure it is running: pulseaudio --start
Pomodoro is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down periods of work into 25-minute intervals called 'Pomodoros' (from the Italian word for 'tomatoes') separated by breaks. Closely related to concepts such as timeboxing and iterative and incremental development used in software design. The method is based on the idea that frequent breaks can improve mental agility.
Tomatoid is a pomodoro timer for KDE and is written in QML + Javascript
GIT Repository: https://github.com/arthurtaborda/Tomatoid
x: do/undo task
Enter: start task
Space: play/pause timer
S: stop
R: rename
Not possible features due plasma limitations:
Install tomatoid in KDE notification system
- Keyboard support
- Execute commands
- Minor fixes
- Nothing changed: bugs not found.
1.0 beta
- Estimative of pomodoros
- Continuous mode
- Ticking sound
- Timer in the icon
- Two options of icons (Flat and Simple)
- When added in desktop, shows a big tomato without backgroud.
- Notification sound
- Notification action options
- Inline rename when double click task
- Bugfix: timer not visible
- pt_BR translation
- A lot of bug fixes
- Possibility to add to system tray
- Some UI improvements
- Fixed icon bug
- Adding a frame in the task list
Ratings & Comments
In kde5 app is not visible in addons finder and don't install from zip. Please update
Hello Currently there is no implementation of Tomatoid for Plasma 5. I am working on it but is is not coming very soon, because I have many things going on right now. But it is coming this year, and I will implement many new things too. I hope to release it in the next 6 months.
Thank You, please update this topic when done.
There are a lot of distros that do not us pulseaudio (Slackware, for example). PLease remove that dependency. Thank you!
I removed it as depedency, but will keep it as a note for people who have problems with it.
Thank you!
Just a question: There's a way to control the pomodoros by command line?
No,not currently, sorry. I will port tomatoid to plasma 2 once it is released, and if it is possible in the new framework I will add this feature.
I use keyboard shortcuts to navigate between windows and tasks. Could you add keyboard shortcuts, that are configurabe in KDE's system configuration, to add a task, begin a pomodoro with one task, stop a pomodoro, etc... It would be great!
Hi. Thanks for your suggestion. Currently it is not possible for a pure qml plasmoid to add a native kde configuration module for shortcuts or notifications. If this feature is added to Plasma Next, I'll implement it in Tomatoid too.
Well, this would be very appreciated! In Tomatoid there is no way to use keyboard, even simple tab to change focus from estimated to task name. I'm waiting for full keyboard support.
Sorry for the delay. The keyboard support is available in the new release
This seems to crash on my Archlinux system: plasma-windowed ~/.kde4/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave. QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave. PulseAudioService: pa_context_connect() failed
It happens right after you enable the applet? Did you install the qtmobility package? https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/qtmobility/
Yes and yes.
Weird.. I am running Arch right now with no problems on Tomatoid. It may be because the pulseaudio service is not running. Can you try to start it? pulseaudio --start
Only after installing pulseaudio, did I get it to work.
... if installed from GHNS. I will try to compile and install it by hand and see how it goes and report back. Running now Chakra w/ KDE SC 4.10.3
You need the qt-mobility package installed.
Already have it installed but it keeps crashing my plasma session - I need to remove .kde4/share/config/plasma* in order to have a working Plasma again. Tomatoid worked fine for me up to 4.10.1, from .2 onwards is impossible to make it run. I already packaged Tomatoid for Arch and Chakra but I will post a warning to alert users about a possible glitch that may render their Plasma unusable until above mentioned actions are taken. OTOH I'm a fan of this plasmoid (thank you!) and I would love to help debug this issue as I'm unable to run it in my Chakra 4.10.3 desktop :'(
Thank you for packaging tomatoid. I'll include it in the download options. For the debugging, can you run plasmoidviewer ~/.kde4/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid And send the output please?
Here: j:0 /usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid $ plasmoidviewer . file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/main.qml:95:10: QML TopBar: Cannot specify left, right, horizontalCenter, fill or centerIn anchors for items inside Row file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid/contents/ui/TopBar.qml:44:2: QML Row: Cannot specify left, right, horizontalCenter, fill or centerIn anchors for items inside Row file:///usr/lib/kde4/imports/org/kde/plasma/components/TabBar.qml:161:9: QML QDeclarativeItem_QML_36: Binding loop detected for property "width" file:///usr/lib/kde4/imports/org/kde/plasma/components/TabBar.qml:150:5: QML Item: Possible anchor loop detected on fill. file:///usr/lib/kde4/imports/org/kde/plasma/components/TabBar.qml:161:9: QML QDeclarativeItem_QML_36: Binding loop detected for property "width" link XMLID_34_ hasn't been detected! link XMLID_34_ hasn't been detected! link XMLID_36_ hasn't been detected! link XMLID_34_ hasn't been detected! link XMLID_34_ hasn't been detected! link XMLID_36_ hasn't been detected! file:///usr/lib/kde4/imports/org/kde/plasma/components/TabBar.qml:161:9: QML QDeclarativeItem_QML_36: Binding loop detected for property "width" file:///usr/lib/kde4/imports/org/kde/plasma/components/TabBar.qml:150:5: QML Item: Possible anchor loop detected on fill. file:///usr/lib/kde4/imports/org/kde/plasma/components/TabBar.qml:161:9: QML QDeclarativeItem_QML_36: Binding loop detected for property "width" link XMLID_34_ hasn't been detected! link XMLID_34_ hasn't been detected! link XMLID_36_ hasn't been detected! link XMLID_34_ hasn't been detected! link XMLID_34_ hasn't been detected! link XMLID_36_ hasn't been detected! plasmoidviewer(20014)/kdecore (KConfigSkeleton) KCoreConfigSkeleton::writeConfig: plasmoidviewer(20014)/kdecore (KConfigSkeleton) KCoreConfigSkeleton::writeConfig: QVariant(QIcon) QVariant(QIcon) plasmoidviewer(20014)/kdecore (KConfigSkeleton) KCoreConfigSkeleton::writeConfig: KCrash: Application 'plasmoidviewer' crashing... KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/drkonqi from kdeinit sock_file=/home/msx/.kde4/socket-heybeavis/kdeinit4__0 j:0 /usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/tomatoid $ As you see when running the plasmoid this 'standalone' way it ends crashing and summoning DrKonqi.
I tried to reproduce the error... The output is the same as yours, but I had no crashes. These 'anchor loops' messages are just warnings, so it's unlikely that this caused the problems. I am running chakra with kde 4.10.3. If you know of someone with the same problem please let me know.
Well sir, that's weird! Thanks for your feedback.
Hello Arthur, a fellow archer just reported the same issue: "On installing first-time and trying to use the widget on KDE 4.10.3, Plasma crashes and the widget is not added. I'm assuming that if you had the widget installed and working before 4.10.2 or 4.10.3 that you would encounter msx's problem." https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/kdeplasma-applets-tomatoid-git/