Task Timer
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Once you add some tasks, click on one to start timing. Red tasks are paused, green tasks are being timed.
You can also reset, rename and delete tasks.
Time is measure in hours:minutes:seconds
There are 2 ways to install this plasmoid:
1. Click on 'Get New Widgets' from the Plasma 'add widgets' window. From there choose 'Download from internet' then find and select Task Timer.
2. The other way is to download the plasmoid file from the link below. Then in the terminal type:
plasmapkg -i tasktimer.plasmoid
To upgrade/reinstall type:
plasmapkg -u tasktimer.plasmoid
Requires Python script engine for Plasma
Installation on Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install plasma-scriptengine-python
Kai Maaßen (hateshark), Shafqat Bhuiyan (priomsrb)
0.4.2 - 01/02/14
- Fixed Bug: Vertical layout discarded after reboot
0.4.1 - 01/12/13
- New function to reset all timers at once
0.4 - 05/02/12
- New maintainer: Kai MaaíŸen
- Added settings for vertical/horizontal layout
- Starting a task stops the current one automatically
0.3 - 30/01/11
- Added changing task time manually. Patch by Tomás Teijeiro Campo
0.2 - 09/06/10
- Added settings to change task colors
- Added 'Reset Timer' menu item
- Edit boxes are now the same size as buttons
- Pressing Esc while editing cancels editing
0.1 - 07/06/10
- Initial release
Ratings & Comments
Thanks for building this. I used it everyday in Plasma 4. Any plans for a Plasma 5 version?
Hi! Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately, I am no longer maintaining this plasmoid so I can't promise a port to Plasma 5. Unless someone else decides port it or I get time to work again on this plasmoid, it seems it may be stuck on Plasma 4 :(
Is there any repository or something like that from where I could fetch the sources?
I'll autorespond myself with a message from Feb 3 2011 "- Rename tasktimer.plasmoid to tasktimer.zip - Extract tasktimer.zip - The source code is in the contents/code/ directory"
I can have my tasks on a vertical layout and it all works fine until I reboot. After a reboot, all the tasks are on horizontal layout (some of them even pop out of the desktop area). When I open the configuration, the horizontal layout is selected and I can change it to vertical again. On the next reboot, it resets to horizontal again and so on. Is the plasmoid trying to store the setting on a file not on the user home directory (hence being unable to write to it)? I changed the inactive task color from red to gray and that gets saved and survives reboots...
Settings are stored in ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc. Via cat ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc| grep horizontal_layout you can see the value of the layout setting. For more investigation on this bug I need info about your KDE version.
I have exactly same bug. I am running kde 4.8.4 on debian wheezy
You guys are right. I didn't come across this bug because I always use the horizontal layout. I will fix this soon.
I am currently using this plasmoid to stop the times working on different projects. These information needs to be extracted daily into an internal system and so each morning I have to reset all the tasks. So this basically means clicking a lot each morning to reset the timers each by each. I would ask for a feature (small button bellow, configurable?) that allows to reset all tasks timers at once. I could imagine that others having similiar scenarios as well.
This feature is a rather simple one and should not take much time to implement. I would prefer to have a new entry in the context menu instead of a button.
While it is certainly a fairly simple app I've found it suits my needs for elemental time-tracking when working with some customers' projects - thanks a lot for sharing it! Now, I want to point out a strange bug - albeit not a serious one - I noted with TaskTimer: whenever I click on a newly created task the button will automatically resize a few pixels when I click on it to let the counter go, may be you want to give it a check? Btw, I already packaged it for Arch and Chakra. Best regards.
Hi msx, I couldn't fix this resizing bug, yet, but will still have an eye on it.
Is it - or will it be - possible to sort the entries? I tried dragging them to a different position but alas that didn't work... I'd like to have entries "grouped" that belong together (still need to have them separated), even if tasks are added later. And it would also helpful when I want to have them sorted by relevance.
Hi Janet! Thank you for your request! This feature is welcome and will hopefully be supported in the next version of task timer.
Hi priomsrb, I just install this task timer. How should this vertical layout operate? I have succes to get only one line to it. Horisontal layout is ok but it use too much panel space.
Hi Esa, on a plasma desktop, you can place your plasmoids in the controlpanel _and_ on the desktop. The horizontal layout fits well in the control panel while the vertical layout is a better choice for the entire desktop. Task Timer does not fit its layout automtically yet. Hope this helps! Greetings Kai
I forgot to mention that Task Timer does not support multiple row or multiple column layout.
The plasmoid is great - and thank G it still works in KDE 4.8.4 and hopefully also in 4.10 ... It's so simple, exactly what I was looking for! I don't need any app that does something like this, just a simple plasmoid showing me what I have to do this day. Please don't ditch it for an app...
I don't need the timer functionality, just the todo list, plain, simple, good visible.
I have to correct myself - the timer functionality indeed is helpful even for a simple todo list: I clicked on one task cause I wanted to begin with it - and now I realize that the timer is running since over half an hour and I have done a lot of other things in between but not what I planned to do ;). Very educating! :)
I've created an application based on this plasmoid. You can find it here: http://priomsrb.github.com/lighttasks/ All new features will be added to the new application instead. Thanks
Do you mean you stopped working on the plasmoid version?
Yes. Unfortunately, it is too much work for me to maintain both versions. However, I think the application version is a good replacement for the plasmoid as it has more features and is cross platform.
I have tested the new lighttask for a while. It is even better than the plasmoid version except that you can not see your tasks in the KDE controllbar. Thus, I would like to continue maintaining it.
Any chance this could be ported to a stand-alone QT/GTK app? All the other timers out there suck to be so blunt. I have to run XFCE so I can't run plasma-desktop due to minimal system resources. I've tried several timers and none of them hit it home like this one. So if this could be ported I'd be willing to donate some money to make this happen. Please let me know your thoughts.