xtorg emoticon set for kopete and others
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
If you want support for your application, leave a comment here and explain how one defines emoticon themes for it.
*kde4 update*
The bug preventing correct loading in kde4 has been fixed in kde 4.2.
*** version 0.6 ***
Biggest update in a long time.
- Updated for wordpress 2.1 (may not work too well with older versions)
- Added new definition file, supported by kopete and psi (new client supported).
*** version 0.5 ***
First release supporting Gajim as well. Using the testset to test the emoticons in Gajim is deceptive, it makes you think the client is buggy. In fact it's only because of Gajim's formatting features, which styles *word* in bold when it find matching asterisks - '*'. So unless you use two smilies containing '*' on the same line, it works fine.
An INSTALL file is now included in the archive to explain how to install this theme for the various clients.
*kopete bugfix 2*
A smilie bug I uncovered in kopete with xtorg has been fixed and just recently released in kde-3.5.5.
*** version 0.4 ***
The previously mentioned bug in kopete that would supposedly restrict the number of smilies which can be loaded has been found out. It's not a limit on the number of smilies, it was just a parsing bug in emoticons.xml. So now the smilies work just fine in kopete. (See the kopete screenshot for explicit support for msn smilie strings.)
*kopete bugfix*
If you notice that after upgrading kopete some of the smilies aren't working anymore, go into the settings and remove the smilie theme (and click Ok to confirm and close the dialog). Then go in there again and add it, this fixes it for me.
*** version 0.3 ***
Added support for WordPress 2.x now. Just upload the images to {wordpress_root}/wp-includes/images/smilies
and replace the array defining the smilies in {wordpress_root}/wp-includes/vars.php with the content of vars.php.segment.
*** version 0.2 ***
The smilie set hasn't changed, but I've now added the smilies strings from msn messenger, so you can use (A), :$ etc with this set. In _gaim_ this works like advertised. Small caveat in _kopete_ due to a limit on smilie strings, so until that 'bug' is fixed, I've left out the msn smilie strings from the kopete version.
Ratings & Comments
What should I do so these would work on KDE4?
By far, the best icon set I've ever seen.
Excellent set of emoticons. One for just about everything (and nice & bright too). Thanks.
hey, where can i get this cool orange windecoration in the first screenshot and how is it called ?
It's the default gnome theme in Ubuntu Dapper. :)
i have neither Gnome nor Ubuntu. I use KDE on a SuSE Linux ;D