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An emoticon theme derived from Dirceu Veiga's White Emoticons icons found here:

...adopted and adapted with the goal in mind to make it a complete emoticon theme for Kopete (and Pidgin/Gaim) that is coherent and easy to the eye. If anyone needs it ported to Adium, I can add that as well.

I hope you enjoy it

I managed to work around this bug, but it still needs attention:

This set is licensed under the GPL-2.0-or-later (unusual choice for icons, I know), as Dirceu Veiga used that license for his original set. To clarify, *.png is the only format I ever found, so I pixel-art them. As such, the *.png counts as the “source code” to itself in this case.
Last changelog:

for a full ChangeLog and TODO read the files in the package

- narrowed mouth of "omg", so it looks better now
- added an alternative to "undecided" so there is a difference now between and
- relicensed it to GPL3
- added "ouch" a.k.a. o_# with a right black eye
- added "ouch2" a.k.a. #_o with a left black eye
- added "bee" (or bumblebee)

- fixed some runaway pixels in "bee"
- added "sick"
- added more bindings to associate with "cry"
- added ":3"
- added "bear"
- added "cat"
- added "lion"

- worked around Bug 184346, so all emoticons show properly again

As always, comments and ideas are welcome.

Ratings & Comments



It works very well in Archlinux :D Nice emoticons, please keep it up!!


The swedish translators have translated it all wrong for "Get hot new stuff" the "I Like this" and "I don't like this" have been placed wrong. When I vote "I Like this" its actually voted down. :p So how do I change my vote now?


"White emoticons that work" work again! :D I've managed to work around this pesky bug (see link in description) by changing all emoticons that were enclosed with asterixes to be enclosed with semicolons.


Why is the only emoticon pack that doesn't work called "White Emoticons THAT WORK?!?" Hilarious. Whether installing it through the "Get New Themes" or "Install Theme File," it shows up in the list, but on the right has no emoticons shown. This happens in both Opensuse 11.1 and Kubuntu 8.10.


Which KDE version do you run? I'm still on KDE 3.5 and haven't heard of this error so far — maybe there's a different syntax in the KDE4 emoticon files. When I get KDE 4.2 (sometime this week or the next) I'll test it and fix it, if needed.


I'm using KDE4. I assumed that since it shows up in Kubuntu and Suse's KDE4 as an option, it would be compatible with KDE4. I can't wait till it's fixed because the emoticons look beautifully cute and simple!


I just installed KDE 4.2.0 (Gentoo) and when starting Kopete and installing this emoticon set using the interface in Kopete itself, it works without any problems whatsoever. I'm sorry, but I cannot reproduce this bug. Did you try to install the emoticon set from Kopete itself?


OK, now I managed to reproduce it. :/ It seems like a very odd error, since the syntax doesn't seem to have changed. I'll figure it out — if it's my fault, I'll fix it; if it's not, I'll file a bug report to Kopete.


It seems to be a problem with kdelibs. I was told this by numerodix, who stumbled upon the same problem and already tried to find the culprit code in kdelibs. When either me or numerodix submit a bug report to the b.k.o, I'll submit the link to it here, so you can follow when it's going to be solved.


As promised, here's the link to the bug report, I just submitted:


definitaly wanna see more of those!!! they're endlessly cute


Great to hear you like them :D I still have it on my TODO list, but have some more urgent matters to attend to (e.g. exams). If you have any suggestions about them whatsoever — like how a smiley that I haven't yet included should look like — just say it! :)


I just tested 0.4.1 on Gaim/Pidgin to make sure I got it right this time - and it works as it should. :] Don't be shy about posting any comments or suggestions. :]

0 Affiliates
license GPLv2 or later
version 0.6.1
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 1

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