[Almost] all icons reverted to black, so they look nice with light plasma themes.
simply unpack and run script in CaledoniaBlack directory.
I suggest to choose air-netbook theme when asked for. I did

Choose your name for new theme. This theme will be installed in user desktoptheme directory and in CaledoniaBlack/PlasmaTheme
Thanks for script go to linuxfever, author of Reflektions_KDE4 Icon Theme
change desktoptheme
go to ~/.kde/share/apps/desktoptheme and delete directory containing created with script theme
remove CaledoniaBlack directory
vote if you like it, this will motivate me...

Ratings & Comments
Thanks. License changed as pointed out above.
Great for users that loves Caledonia systray icons, but the license is wrong. All Caledonia components arelicensed under Creative Commons BY-SA, and isn't possible to change this to GPL (isn't full compatible, but is almost the same in the practics). So, please, change poperly the license. For more information, check here: http://caledonia.sourceforge.net/about.html Thanks! ;)