All credits go to Tiheum for making Faenza icons (for gnome), to john007 for Faenza-Cupertino (for gnome) and to Santgio72 for porting Faenza-icons to kde.
I just mixed all of their works for you to enjoy Faenza-Cupertino on kde

ATTENTION: these theme replaces Faenza iconset, if you have it installed.
I will update the pack with a new index.theme wich does not replace it, but for now pay attention

Ratings & Comments
Hello thank you for your awesome work on porting faenza-cupertino to kde plz keep it up!! I couldn't wait for updates so i merged faenza 0.9.2, faenza-cupertino and game icons pack for faenza, links for libreoffice34 and some small changes by me.down-link: http://www.mediafire.com/?j11hgjvy0zht0cl
you have been very kind. i will merge these changes into the package, and by so update it. I will mention you in description, to thank you :)
Oh i have almost forgot.. you could edit the index.theme file and in line Inherits=smthing delete all the gnome icon themes and add oxygen,hicolor. This would improve the look in in some gtk apps that use old hicolr icons (but for some reason they dont use faenza icons:( )
EDIT to save space remove all the scalable folders (they are useless and outdated) and dont forget to edit the index.theme file and remove all the references to them
Anyway here is an update: http://www.mediafire.com/?9w0biqt5uf4tmwf its 20mb less now!
awesome. it will be merged into the download file in a day of two. I don't know how to thank you, i will sure credit you in the description and in the readme file :)
REALLY nice Icon Set, the best I've installed in my KDE :D
i installed in my linuxmint kde distro and it looks excellent! keep it up :D
Faenza is the best icons to desktop, thanks for sharing!
Update: Sorry everybody, I am very busy with "my real life" atm, and can't therefore perform the updates I would like to do and so, I won't upload an updated version until at least April. If someone of you is interested in helping, or suggestions, just write me and let me know. Thanks everybody
Can't wait see your new release. Please provide a full support for systemtray icons :D
Hi, i'm working on improvements and new icons for this theme. Updates are coming soon, stay tuned! :)
when, when? can't wait :)
I made a konversation systray notification icon (for new messages/alerts). Is it OK if I send it to you? My email is just my kde-look nick at gmail.
Sorry, this is really my last random statement, I swear! If you inherit Faenza or even Faenza-Cupertino, this will essentially make your theme entirely cross-platform (GTK/GNOME and KDE). All a user will have to do is select this as their gtk icon set and their KDE iconset and everything will work perfectly. This would benefit GNOME users using KDE apps just as much as KDE users using GTK apps!
Ah, and when you do change the name, I recommend staying away from 'Faenza-Cupertino', as that would conflict with the Faenza Cupertino iconset. Maybe 'Faenza-Cupertino-KDE'?
Thanks for the port! Just a couple requests! 1) I know you know about it already, but conflicting with Faenza is really a problem. Please update the index/folder name soon! It makes automating any integration with GTK apps simply impossible (you can have Faenza for gtk or KDE, but not both without editing the index). 2) You can save a lot of file size by doing two things: First, inherit the Faenza icon theme itself and only replace the icons that differ (like Faenza Cupertino does by default). Just add 'Faenza' to your Inherits= line in the index.theme. This will only work after you change the theme name. A downside is that everyone will have to download both Faenza and your package, but it does make it super easy to distribute (I would put it on archlinux's aur). Second, you can use symlinks for redundant images. This will probably cut your filesize in half! Thanks again! This icon set is simply fantastic. I would be happy to implement the above suggestions if you want some help!
First of all, thanks for the feedbacks. 1) Yes, i must edit index.theme and rename it to something like "Faenza-Cupertino-Kde", now that i am on xmas holiday i'll work on it 2) Despite the big size of the archive, i swear I tried to do all the symlinks i could, maybe i missed some redundancy, maybe this is the best i could do (the original Faenza is huge, actually) 3) I didn't think about gtk-kde integration, (it already works for me?!), thank you for pointing it out 4) I am not sure i want people having to download both packages, after all, even if my is "inheriting" and light, the original one is still heavy, as i stated above. Merry Christmas! :)
Merry Christmas to you, too! When I unzip + untar the source archive and run find -type l, I don't see anything (no links!). Maybe the links are getting removed at some point, if you're using a build script? And now that I think about it, so long as Inherits=Faenza is in there, integration will still work. So... that's cool. No need to force people to install the original Faenza, but integration will work better if they already have it. Nifty.
I like this icon theme very much, it is my favorite, thank you very much.
You should name the theme "faenza-cupertino" in the tarball too, right now it overwrites the original faenza theme. but overall it's a great work ;)
It's my fault, because i started working on the original Faenza folder... and didn't rename it. I will add an "ATTENTION: it replaces Faenza if installed" in description ;)
404 error, file not found...
The best icon theme. Great work!
Perfect............ Thanks............