Human_KDE Modified
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This comes with my Theme Manager Theme, but I decided to put it here to, just in case you want it it, but not the Theme. (But why would you?)
CARPS, Filefront messes up the file, should be fine, though. Rename it as a tar.bz2
Install BC Tango KDE, then Flamenco, then Human_KDE!
Added more from Human KDE. I'm thinking of removing 128x128 as the icons there are poorly scaled up versions.
Original is disontinued. The new one is a Modified Human_KDE that inherits bctangokde.
Fixed the icon set, You have to download the WHOLE thing now. Sorry.
Yeah, too lazy to chnage the name of the package.
Added larger logout icons for logout dialog patch.
Cleaned up CR-ROM icons. Fixed index.desktop file, added link_overlay and corrected lock_overlay in it.
Skipped a version number, I know. Cleaned up some smaller icons by taking them directly from Human_KDE, rather than scaling them. Edited the index.desktop to include Actions in all sizes Added some more Human icons. Added Dolphin icon.
Added lots of Ubuntu icons. Like the actual Lock button, the Terminal, refresh, and something else I forgot.
Added the Ubuntu "Computer" (system) icon and the desktop icon.
Added some more Ubuntu icons
Ratings & Comments
Cookies, Can you please post a link to your theme since I'm having "issues" finding it? :-) Thanks.
Sure: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Ubuntu+Human+Cookies+Mod?content=58644
Hi, i really like yor Icon-Theme, but as a Kubuntu-User i'd like to ask, if it's possible, to make the Icons a little bit "blueish"...? Greetz, Bel
Um... This is the Human theme.
Gosh, glad that you told me... *rollingeyes* It was just a question and as far as you are not the "Builder" of the Iconset, it would be a pleasure, if you keep your comments for your own. Thx.
If you've got ubuntu-desktop installed the Ubuntu default icons work in KDE/Kubuntu as well.
Disagree. In that case some icons are missing in KDE. Check it.
Good point. You're right.
I did like to second zolix on this. This theme is necessary. There are loads of missing KDE icons, if you use the stock Ubuntu themes. Cheers,
The largest size was 128x128, you see, I just added more icons, I can't really add sizes....
If you want your theme to have a realistic user base, the icons need to have bigger size versions as well. They're totally blurry on my screen.