Here are Kicons 0.5!, New icons for the toolbar (thanks TheRob ), and various fixes, I hope you like them!Forgive my bad English, are italian .___.
Last changelog:16 years ago*new toolbar icon*new start here*new trash icon...various fixes to the icons
Ratings & Comments
9 9 excellent
Muito bonito os ícones,vale a pena,obrigado! :) Very nice icons, it's worth, thank you! :)
Dude sorry i cant buy you a beer, you deserve one and i consider it that i owe you one. great job mate.. really great job. thanks :)
Fantastic Icon set. also thanks to The Rob for his toolbar icons.
Great +1 ;) P.S.: I prefer the former home icon.
Hey I'm going to be using these for a long time. Great set!!
Thanks :DDD
Or similar craps. That gets a thumb down when you have to enable any kind of ads just to download a file. Sorry.
Amazingly kool icons! ;D What program did you use to make them? *ten thumbs up!!* //Robert
Gimp :D Thanks :) ps:on monday with version 0.3 :DDD
This Icon is really cool, dont know about the low rating though. but you sure got my vote. Nice Job
Thanks ^ ^