A MASSIVE thank you to Lars Gardmo for offering to host these icons. The first link is with Filecrunch though, I would urge you to try this first to save Mr Gardmo's bandwidth

This is the most comprehensive icon set for KDE. Not only does it take the best icon art and combine it into an attractive set, it also uses a fine balance of photo realism and simplicity to achieve a clear interface. The icon 'actions' folder contains nearly 300 icons designed with standardisation in mind and they are all created to take advantage of the higher screen modes in use today. All actions can now go up to 128x128! I would like to say a BIG thank you to all the artists who's original art work make this set possible. This is work in progress and I would ask for feedback from any users who would like to input to the project. Oh, and if you like it, remember to vote good

99% of this set is GPL now and what's not is most likely creative commons. PLEASE abide by the licence rules, if you use icons from this set please research and credit the appropriate people. I have been given permission to release other peoples art work under the GPL so respect the licence.
Enjoy ")
*Credits must go to:
*Ademmer1977 for the kmail icon.
*AleXander Kirichev for Slackware kmenu icon.
*Amira Julia for the original art work that provided many printer and desktop icons.
*Dirceu for the user avatars.
*EKrava for the kmenu_Kubuntu icon.
*Everaldo Coelho (realistiK & Crystal) - Ultra high quality open source icons.
*Everaldo for the emotions.
*Futurosoft for a couple of their GPL icons.
*Guppetto (OS-L) - for (among other things) the best folder icons ever.
*Gabriel Gabriel for kmenu icons.
*hammergom for kde_fedora icon, K3B, XGame and many icons from his Crystal Glossy set.
*Keyser Soze for the Debian kmenu.
*Marco Martin (Glaze) - for the actions.
*Marco Martin for the kwifi icons.
*Marc Mironescu for the email icon.
*Matias Costa for creating folder open and folder locked icons.
*Riccardo Pavone for the best trash icon ever!
*Rowancompsciguy for the laptop battery icons
*Yaco for the Skype icon.
*Please let me know if I ever miss anyone!
Email me if I need to add/change things (especially for distro specific requests)
*You will need cookies enabled to download the sets.
Just download the archive, uncompress and copy to /usr/share/icons then choose OS-K icons from the KDE control center.
If you would like to change the 'kmenu' icon go into the 'actions' and 'apps' folder and remove '_YOURDISTRO' from the name, there are a couple of icons you need to do this too.
Have fun.
Ratings & Comments
There is a chance to get this great set. You can find it here:
I found this download link to an RPM. You could just extract the contents I'm sure. As for converting to KDE 4... "Porting your app from the icon names used in KDE3 to the ones used in KDE4 is as easy as running the script from the root directory of your project and follow the instructions on screen." Download being*checkout*/trunk/KDE/kdesdk/scripts/qt4/ Hope this helps!!
This is a great icon theme. However, it won't change my folder icons. All the folders revert to the default Oxygen. Am I doing something wrong?
Hello simoo ,so gread work for it , here : limplinux91 converts the OS-K icons for kde4 but it is not all in OS-K-v115,How do that can use all OS-K-V115 icons for KDE4? I like OS-K-V115 so much. So thanks .
Look here:
Both mirrors now not working but I ran a google search and found it here:
first mirror says "file not found..."
first mirror says "file not found..."
prawdziwa wiedza jest zawarta w pojęciach ogólnych
first mirror says "file not found..."
The robot in your screenshot above looks to be taken directly from OSX for their Automator app. Might want to check into the usage of that icon.It'd be cool if it's available for use and distribution but I'd expect it isn't.
Hmmm... cheers. I got that icon from the Breathless set and it is labeled: "Some icons are GPL, other Artistic 2.0" And I'm sure it is in another set labeled GPL, anyway... I have had my suspicions about peoples licensing around here so I'll look into it.
Thank you guys :) Really glad you like the set. Best wishes, Simon
Excellent set. Never thought KDE would look so good. Will be checking for updates forever.
These are simply stunning. I don't know how I missed them before. Thank you very much for this beautiful set of icons. Combining these with e17 and KDE apps is a pleasure to look at.
Hi, These look great. Since abandoning MS XP my computer is looking rather good. But I cannot install your icons. I have copied them to: /usr/share/icons/OS-K_v115 and, then also tried: /usr/share/icons/OS-K but OS-K will not appear as an option in [Control Centre- Appearance and Themes - Icons]. I have tried [Install new theme[. I browse to the files I have installed but there's no obvious file to select when it asks for one. Ones I do click on all bring up the message [The File is not a valid file archive]. Any advice from those of you more skilled with Linux? thanks Mark
Hi there :) Glad you like them! Sorry the instructions for installing are not very comprehensive. Try "Install a new theme" and browse to the downloaded, still compressed, icon set. That should do it. Thanks Simon
Hi, I downloaded the icon set which came as tar.bz2 and as per your suggestion to another user i did Install New Theme and tried to select the compressed file. But nothing happened. By default it expected a theme file, i even cleared that filter and selected the tar.bz2 file but nothing happened. Can you suggest some other alternative. thanks.
Its working now. I did bunzip2 and selected tar file from Install New Theme and it applied it. Desktop looks cool now. Good work. thanks,
Your Icons looks very good
Thanks, let me know if you think I can improve them :) Simon
Unfortunately, couldn't try them as the download died within seconds... good thing though, as I didn't notice at first there is no Resume. On dialup this is a hassle... and I have to ask... 114Mb for ONE icon theme?? A bit excessive in size, no?
You should be fine to download them now. With regards to the size, I am thinking about putting up a set just comprising of essential KDE icons(which should bring the size down a bit) as well. Oh and I believe Filecrunch supports resuming. Thanks
I can't stand sites like you're using. I've not come across this one before but it's as bad as Rapidshare. You really need to get a website. Hosting is dirt cheap these days. In fact it's so cheap that if you'd rather not, I'll be happy to host your files for you on my site. I've got plenty of bandwidth. No waiting, just click and download.