Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Credits:tiheum Faenza icons for gnome (creator of this theme)
john007 Faenza-Cupertino icons creator (gnome)
half-left Game Icon Pack creator santgio72 a lot work on porting Faenza-icons to kde,
mrmars Faenza-Cupertino port,
jetpack for his work on porting faenza to kde
funnyguy creator of Faenza Fresh icon pack
giannis12a sabayon icon!
DuncanIdaho kadu icon!
Special thanks to flyingsheep for fixing installation from script with ubuntu!
5-11-11 v0.8.9 fixed bug with missing folder icons (bigger than 48), fixed some missing mime icons, updated script, new chakra logo
22-10-11 v0.8.8 updated faenza-cupertino folders,new kadu icon made by DuncanIdaho, new red root folder icon, some minor work with kde app icons , added the option to revert to default faenza icons through the installation script
15-10-11 v0.8.7 updated to version 1.1, fixes with app and actions icons, fixed kdenlive ui
8-10-11 v0.8.6 bug fixes (blame rsvg-convert for the icon glitches present in 0.8.5 and notify me if i missed anything!), a new icon for okteta (pretty ugly, could use some help with kde apps icons), icon theme uploaded in ompldr.
26-9-2011 v0.8.5 fixed bugs with plasma-netbook (apps that dont have 64pix icons would use 128 instead) (favorites icon and other actions icons now use monochrome 16pix icons instead of squared ones, minor fixes.
17-9-2011 v0.8.4 fixed index.theme bug ,fixes and new icons (okular, some 16,22 icons, other)
9-9-2011 v0.8.3 most of kde apps have an icon (including kde-games), new kbattleship icon, fixes with network icons
7-9-2011 v0.8.2 new icons for many kde-utils (like walletmanager and kgpg), mimetypes added (zerosize,sharedlibrary), fixes with system-settings icons (windows,dialog-pass,etc)
3-9-2011 v0.8.1 fixes with mail icons and other
28-8-2011 v0.8 all 16 pix icons fixed merged faenza 1.0 (some changes are kept back)
Ratings & Comments
Impressive icon theme, thanks for sharing! Keep up the good work.
thank a lot :)
Thanks for you work. Only one question: what is the name of the bad icon in this screenshot? http://i.imgur.com/q9boTkJ.png I need to replace this with another one.
Hello I have some suggestions for you 1.- why do you not make a Kfaenza dark (like faenza dark) the same icon set the same black flat actions for the windows like the normal Kfaenza but with white ones for the menus and the plasma themes for example I use the Numix theme and Caledonia as plasma themes both looks cool but the KTP's status indicator is black so it is a litle bit hidden if you create the Kfaenza dark you will add more ways to customize KDE 2.- are some unexistent icons for the original theme like the split window and detailed view icons for dolphin you should fix it
All the links seem broken, get the icons at http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/kfaenza-icon-theme/kfaenza-icon-theme-0.8.9.tar.gz/95e9f287da7a0fd76fb406d313eee77e instead.
Thank you.
Great, man!!
I found downloads of the latest build on this page just in case anyone was struggling http://slackbuilds.org/repository/14.0/desktop/kfaenza-icon-theme/
Definitely, long-time, no-file. Just doesn't work!
All download links are broken. Put it on github or something? Also, opendesktop.org is a freaking trash heap. - Spam comments every where. - adds and annoying popup links plastered all over the screen. - Facebook garbage on the side - Half the links are broken. - Screwy navigation. - When signing up password can only contain letters and numbers (WTF?) - Search is wonky. Search for kfaenza and it's not the first result, but 10th or so. Is anyone even maintaining this site? KDE should dump this site from the "Hot New Stuff" thing.
again none of the links work anymore, now it goes to some DNS website and no downloads are availible.
I really wish that the action icons were better, but instead it goes to oxygen. Please fix.
Link broken please change it with this one: http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/kfaenza-icon-theme/kfaenza-icon-theme-0.8.9.tar.gz/95e9f287da7a0fd76fb406d313eee77e/kfaenza-icon-theme-0.8.9.tar.gz thanks...
please fix, thanx!
A friend pointed out last night that I appeared to have wireshark running. I don't even have it installed; he was looking at the dolphin icon. On closer inspection, the system-file-manager png and svg icons are symbolic links to wireshark.(png|svg). I've updated these sym-links to point to dolphin.(png|svg), but should that not be the case anyway? Beautiful set of icons btw! Are there any plans for a Sublime Text Faenza icon? :)
This one works. http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/kfaenza-icon-theme/kfaenza-icon-theme-0.8.9.tar.gz/95e9f287da7a0fd76fb406d313eee77e/kfaenza-icon-theme-0.8.9.tar.gz
Just replying here to note that the link provided in the above location *does* indeed lead you to the theme in question in case others are looking (as I was), and it works at the time of this post.
None of them works
You can ask if that kfaenza patch maker can add that icon for you,that is patch to kfaenza to add missing icons. http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/KFaenza+icon+patch?content=153813
Hi I use your icon set in my kde, but i see that need more one icon - Apache OpenOffice. Is possible to do it? Thanks in advance, Claudio
Here is to those users who want to download it. http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/kfaenza-icon-theme/kfaenza-icon-theme-0.8.9.tar.gz/95e9f287da7a0fd76fb406d313eee77e/kfaenza-icon-theme-0.8.9.tar.gz
Thanks for saving the day!
The links don't work !! Please check them because we LIKE these icons
sweet theme, is there possibility to make green variant like faenza for mint?