
Full Icon Themes

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After long time i have take the decision to work another time on the DarkGlass.
Because i hate to have bright windows
and too much cartoon-style icons, i have make this set for this 2 reason and it seems to
have is function in combination with a dark
windows style like "Sweet Darkness"
Last changelog:

Open Office 2 icons in "apps"
(sometimes O.O. try to overwrite
other icons).
and changed compiz to fusion-icon.
Firefox now can automatically overwrite
the standard icon.
some fix on office mimetypes
added yakuake icon
changed superkaramba icon and
superkaramba mimetypes
adjusted vlc icon colors
New python buildscript from Locomojo
Review of colors on some folders
Added apps icons:
Source files 256x256 updated
Many, many icons reworked for to change style
and simplify the visualization.
Now the locomojo Script inside package is correct.
Some adjustement in many
actions icons, lock icons, kget and
added synaptic.
Changed Firefox, Opera, Konqueror icons and some color retouch in apps icons.

Ratings & Comments



9 9 excellent


3 Dead!


I'm so sorry, but it is a 10 years ago project, when there was still kde 3.5. I've no longer the time to redesign everything and redo the deployment scripts set.


Would be nice to see this theme updated.


What about the license? I want to package it, but "almost all GPL" is not acceptable. Which exactly icons are under GPL?


nice !!!


One of the greatest icon sets ever. It's a shame it's dying without a KDE4 port :(


For those wishing to convert kde3 themes to kde4, I found this while Googling: http://svn.pardus.org.tr/viewcvs/trunk/kde4/kde3-to-kde4-iconconverter/?root=uludag It works quite well because it keeps it simple and converts only the core kde icons, but you will have to copy over any custom application icons you want in the output icon theme. You can also tweak the icons copied by editing the map file. It works with Crystal Project :D


Hi great job very modern look !far better than most sets !(My opinion)I love the realistic look ! NOW ! I ask for the imposable, any chance of porting this to ubuntu in a deb package? =)


Nice work, excellent color choices. Integrates w/o a glitch, easy to install. Using it since January 2009, would love to see ported to kde4, although I'll stay with kde3x until KDE4 matures. :)


KDE4 has come a long way. You should try it again :D I know, KDE4 used to SUCK but now it's comfortable.


i wanna port this set in kde4, but for now i not use the version 4. Normally i love Fedora and PClinuxOs beacuse i have start to use linux 10/15 years ago with redhat, and i prefer this style of distribution. Probably i wait the exit of fedora 10 and then work on the port.


This theme would be the best if it could work under KDE4. Many icons just don't work, they either stay with the old icons or different ones are mapped (the BACK and FORWARD buttons is the blue-black kde menu icon, not the nice arrows). The simple blue horizontal folder icon is not changed at all and I could not make it work by copying the black vertical folder to other kde4 icon folders. There are other cases where the icons don't map. Plz port it to KDE4, this theme is so nice it cannot die with KDE3. tnx


Lovely,just lovely. Keep up the good work.


Like the easy install of it and the icons look great on my desktop..


Hi. Great job, but I still don't see icons of standard KDE Apps... Kopete, Konversation, Kontact, KTorrent... Will be good to include Firefox and Thunderbird icons in same style. Greets


Re-worked icon set looks absolutely superb! Thanks :-D


Thks, I like to think that i have done a good job.


Hope this icon set gets ported to KDE 4 soon. It's the best around.


hi friend good job and hope hat you continue your working in this icon this is the icon number 1 , i have idea if you can add it in gnome icon thankd a lot


There are a couple small issues with this icon set. #1 your python code to build the set in the buildset.py file says to use "python buildiconset.py Dark_Glass-2.4" as the command to build the tarbal file needed to install the icon set in KDE3. The code needs to be python buildset.py Dark_Glass-2.4" instead. I think this may be what made it such a process for me to get it installed. #2 the icons in your pictures are so bright and colorful, but the icons that actually get used especially on the desktop are a very dull, greyscale icon. The "K" menu icon, and "Konqueror" icon on the task bar are also bright and colorful as well as most of the "K" menu's contents, but the "Home" icon and some others are the dull, greyscale icons I referred to above. Is there any resolution to this?


Oops. I'm the author of the Python buildset script, this wasn't Mentalrey's fault, it was mine. I've updated the script: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/buildset.py+%28Python+iconset+builder%29?content=72948 Please accept my apologies for the errors and any headaches you've incurred as a result. LocoMojo


Sorry to say, but I beg to differ from most people here. The icons look good stand alone but as far as usability goes the theme is not that good. I do not like the black icons. This is just my opinion.


Hey mentalrey, I know you've heard this a lot, but once again, this is an incredibly amazing icon theme. Thanks a lot for your effort! I was wondering... would it be possible to add a mozilla sunbird icon, in the line of the official one? For a while, I've been using it along with firefox and thunderbird and it'd be just great to have a sunbird icon too! Great job!


best icons i ever used...details and beautiful. thanks for sharing

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version 2.72
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 2

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An Icon Theme should have a valid .theme file among its files and aim to be complete for desktop use under Gnome or KDE Plasma.

If it contains only a single icon or a small set of icons, please use the Icon Sub-Sets or Single Icon/Logo categories instead.