Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Part of the gekos-leo version 1.0
If you want the whole package then head over to:
Ratings & Comments
Thank you! Though, emerald says "Error calling tar." A walk-around is to untar the theme and put it in /home//.emerald/themes.
Replace gekos-leo Images with the gekos-jaguar Images. /home/.../.emerald/themes/gekos-leopard The IMAGES!
I really like yout themes, i'm using it now. Though i don't like that the emerald theme, when it's not active, chache the header to white. Doesn't match. Can i fix it my self, how? What images am i suppose to change? Thanx for your themes, they're awsome!
I'll fix it for you. Check soon my wes site for new theme. Today...
Ready: Theme - gekos-jaguar (metal)