Description: PNG file to be used as reflection mask for Reflection effect in Compiz-Fusion parameter. Alpha sensibility to be set at 2 should work fine as on these snapshots.
You would really charge for a simple png? Hell, if you do it, then I will too. I made a pack of nearly 20 of these and I've never charged a dime.
This site is starting to sicken me...
lol sorry, it was late when I read that. Your sarcasm was lost on me. I promise I'm not THAT thick ;)
Good job btw, how would you feel about me adding it to my pack?
Ratings & Comments
You would really charge for a simple png? Hell, if you do it, then I will too. I made a pack of nearly 20 of these and I've never charged a dime. This site is starting to sicken me...
Well, I must have unvolontarily omitted it, but each comment wouldnt be free neither. So please insert coins here --> ||
lol sorry, it was late when I read that. Your sarcasm was lost on me. I promise I'm not THAT thick ;) Good job btw, how would you feel about me adding it to my pack?
Yeah, do not hesitate to do so. But only if you upload some coins in there --> ||. My connection must be low, 'cause I've not got anything yet. :,-(