Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This is my first Beryl Emerald theme. I renamed it due to complaints about the old name (VistaX). So, If you get really annoyed about "VistaX" showing up in you theme manager just re-download. Please comment. Thanks!
~Jordan Last changelog:
Name change.
Ratings & Comments
people can make whatever they want, even though this looks similar to some themes i already have, good work and i enjoy using it!
I'm glad you enjoy it! :)
It's pretty AND it actually look better than Vista XD. But it's kind of repetitive. There are just so many themes that look alike...
No disrespect, but it doesn't look anything like Vista in any sort of way. Just looks like a basic theme.
The bar looks like Vista and it started out as a Vista theme. I hate Vista too. :D ~Jordan
Really nice!
Can all you guys grow up,instead of complaning about name why don`t you use your effort to comment on theme,I think that`s more important then bitching about name. For my taste tilebar hight is little big,and close,maximize,and minimize buttons are to close to each other,other then that theme are not bad at all.
You can fix the height to suite your taste in Emerald. ~Jordan
As for me this theme is good but VISTA word is really boring.
I kind of like the Vista titlebars and that's what it started as looking like. Besides, it's soposed to be a mix of Vista and OS X.
Well, actually I saw VISTA's interface on youtube only :-) And I hope I shall never see it in reality :-) I like this work. Just VISTA word have to be something like VitaX or so :-)
Boring and sameless
Hi, it is nice your theme but there is a thing that is bothering me, why do you all still call those themes VISTA don't you get it that you all are working with linux and that the themes that here are posted are for linux please give it another name than VISTA :-) maybe PLASMA is a good name :-). Still it is a good theme. GREETINGS FROM A LININSPIRED FREAK