Darkness emerald theme
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Emerald theme made to blend in nicely with my Darkness gtk2 theme (with rgba enabled).
Version 1.1 contains 2 emerald themes, Darkness 70 & Darkness 85. The 70 version provides a bigger transparency where 85 is less transparent and also making it darker. This will provide an extra alternative when recompiling the murrine engine for transparent windows.
I suggest removing any previous installation of this emerald theme and use this instead.
For more info on window transparency check my gtk2 theme with rgba.
Default button-order is as shown on the previews but this can easily be changed manually in the emerald titlebar settings.
More Darkness themes
GTK2 (rgba false) + Metacity
GTK2 (rgba true)
Emerald theme
DockbarX theme
GnoMenu button theme
http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Darkness+GnoMenu+button+theme?content=124257 Last changelog:
Version 1.1 contains 2 emerald themes, Darkness 70 & Darkness 85. The 70 version provides a bigger transparency where 85 is less transparent and also making it darker. This will provide an extra alternative when recompiling the murrine engine for transparent windows.
I suggest removing any previous installation of this emerald theme and use this instead.
For more info on window transparency check my gtk2 theme with rgba.
Default button-order is as shown on the previews but this can easily be changed manually in the emerald titlebar settings.
More Darkness themes
GTK2 (rgba false) + Metacity
GTK2 (rgba true)
Emerald theme
DockbarX theme
GnoMenu button theme
- Slightly improved the top white gradient on active windows
- Contains 2 versions with different opacity levels
Ratings & Comments
Could you do a 93 version of this? I would appreciate that very much. I Usually keep my window opacity to 93...
Thank you están muy currados buen trabajo Bssssss
Great Job, Any thought of packaging all the pieces together in a Darkness_(rgba)_Suite.tar.bz2?
Thank you and glad you like it. I have had some thoughts about it but been to lazy to do anything about it yet.
I liked the wallpaper, you can share?
Not sure wich of the wallpapers you are thinking of but here are two links: http://www.zastavki.com/eng/Drawn_wallpapers/wallpaper-11338-16.htm http://dianae.deviantart.com/art/Pan-and-Selene-65130116
Tks M8 I liked them