Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Linpard is a calm and elegant window decoration. It has slight references to the OS X Leopard window decoration without cloning it.
Font: Looks best with the "AquaBase" font installed!
The original idea came while testing the "Antract" theme (http://www.beryl-themes.org/content/show.php/Antract?content=82450), some pixmaps were taken from it but modified.
The button-highlights are partially taken from the "Mac Leopard" theme (http://www.beryl-themes.org/content/show.php/Mac+Leopard?content=82807). Last changelog:
Font: Looks best with the "AquaBase" font installed!
The original idea came while testing the "Antract" theme (http://www.beryl-themes.org/content/show.php/Antract?content=82450), some pixmaps were taken from it but modified.
The button-highlights are partially taken from the "Mac Leopard" theme (http://www.beryl-themes.org/content/show.php/Mac+Leopard?content=82807).
Version 1.1
- fixed that buttons where not always drawn (known Emerald bug), added mousover glow for inactive windows as workaround
Version 1.0
- initial release
Ratings & Comments
hi, the bug in the buttons is still. the buttons don't show up all the time. i'm using it with mac4lin in ubuntu. thanks it's very nice..:)
Hm, strange! Please make sure that button-glow is enabled for inactive windows. With this setting, all the problems with invisible buttons dissapeared.
thanks so much, it's ok now.. btw, can you recommend a gtk theme that suits well with this? cos it looks a bit OP with mac4lin.. cheers
Since I'm with KDE: Sorry, no proposals für GTK.
It's a really, really nice theme. I especially like the titlebar - very calm and quiet and stylish. The buttons however.. not too much of my liking. I'd like it even more if the buttons fit the theme better.
What kind of buttons do you have in mind? Maybe I can come up with an alternate version...
As you can read in "Type", it's a Emerald theme. ;-)
So what. Yes, it is a Eemerald theme. You didn't understand me. I like that GTK theme you are using in that screenshot, so if you could give me a link or send me to mail.
It's no GTK theme, it's tbe default Oxygen theme of KDE 4.1! ;-) I published this theme on Beryl-Themes.org, seems like you've stumbled over it on Gnome-Look.org.
Great theme... What is that GTK theme??