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Who Needs Windows 7 ?
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Who needs Windows 7, except for the look ?
No one now.
No one now.
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url

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More Beryl/Emerald Themes from zeQuark:
Other Beryl/Emerald Themes:
Beryl and Emerald are theme decorators used under Compiz to provide window themes.
Themes can also be used with KDE Plasma via Smaragd:

Ratings & Comments
Hi, Only the title bar became transparent here, everything else still opaque plus it is twice or triple the normal size! plus windows run games, nothing who needs hack shield work on wine, and never will as they explain on they fórum...
Welcome. i have downloaded .emerald file. I have opened Emerald Themer and selected Import. I have selected the file and clicked on this theme and Emerald Themer is terminated. OS:Ubuntu 10.04 beta 2
Is there any way to make title bar (caption) smaller? I think 16px height should be enough, max 20px, but now it's about 30px.
hi Dear, to answer your question "Who needs Windows7" I want to give you the answer: nobody!! I am off Windows since nearly two years now, and I don't want Windows back!! I love Ubuntu too much!!! So I would say: Microsoft - game over!!! Windows never again!!! Greetings Karmicbastler
Nicely done, but the ugly huge-ass icons in the panel ruin it.
Here's a fix for those large icons. 1. Start the nautilus file browser (double click computer). 2. select edit -> preferences 3. select Views tab 4. Change icon view defaults to 66% (looks about right on my screen). the drawback is that there aren't a lot of scaling choices here. I also set my list view defaults to get smaller fonts on my menu whilst I was here. Thats it.
I really like it! I always wanted a theme for XP that was like this, but this is even better (for Linux too)! -user333
I keep getting a message saying that the file is corrupt. Am I doing something wron?
hi, Apparently the MD5 hash of the file downloaded is 40dfdf22eea5b83d89bf18fc1129057b What is yours ? (to get it, for instance if the file FILE_NAME is in /home/user_name/desktop just open a terminal and enter this : Quote:md5sum /home/user_name/desktop/FILE_NAME
Well, it was just my own fault. Checksum is OK. I got it to open in Emerald Themer. I am quite a newbee, so I will just search a bit more on how to use all this stuff. Thanks for the reply though.
OK then. Do not hesitate to ask for anything which might help you. good luck
I'm using it with Linsta GTK-2, it's awesome! What panel background are you using?
Hi, A semi-transparent 48px hight PNG file, in this screenshot. The issue is that when you set alpha-blur effets on with compiz, and tell the panel to have a picture background, and set the panel to transparency with compiz, the blur effect is weird : there is a copy of the background upon the png panel... well I have made recently a better PNG file to use within a gtk theme, which is waaaaay better. To be release in an forthcoming GTK theme
(this PNG is home-made)
Very funny description :D And VERY nice artwork, but serious. WHY?...Why try to give gnome a vista/7 look? Just don't get it...
Mmh... why not, I'd say ? ...OK I will cheat on my therapy by beginning with you instead of my psychanalyst... I just want to show that Linux CAN stand up to what most basic Windows users could say at first sight (well..what even I said on my time) : Buuuuaaahhh !! how ugly is it compared to Windows.. it must sucks. The most effective way to get people to know your OS as any other product is to appeal them. Linux is so beaten in this battle, and it would be so unfair it remains like this. Unfair not to say stupid. Lets break a taboo : YEAH, the appearance matters.
hye, i just can't install it... i installed emerald manager and imported there the theme and i get just this: http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/3290/screenshotqzw.png can somebody tell me why should i do to install corectly this theme ? thanx
MMh... not sure how you manage to do this, quite weird. Anyway, try these links :http://gnome-look.org/content/download.php?content=105399&id=1&tan=31956561
(dl page)
(URL direct to *.emerald file)
(same, through tinyurl)
OK forget my previous answer, I just needs some more sleep. In fact you perfectly managed to install the theme, so if ever you are thinking about the blur effect, try to set on alpha-blur effect on in emerald (parameter independant from the theme) then turn on the compiz alpah blur on, choosing gaussian method.
Hello ! =) I've just downloaded your emerald theme, and it seems to look very very nice ! But I couldn't get the "Semi Transparency" effect on the title bar to work... =( It looks fully transparent but there is not the opaque effect.. Are there any settings in emerald manager or compiz manager to work on ? Thanks a lot for this theme ! =) Cheers from Belgium
Yeah. First, in the Emerald parameters tab, set the "emerald blur effect" ("type de flous" in french version) to "every decoration" --I think it is like that, in fr. version it says "toutes les décorations"-- Then in the Compiz settings, put on the Blur effects, by default it is applied on "any" window, and select "Gaussian blur". It should work fine then. Enjoy !
Thanks a lot for your support.. =) really enjoy this ! Mmh, gaussian blur is a very CPU eater.. Not recommended for low-end computers.. =) But the effect looks very nice.. ! Many thanks again ! Frankynov
Small update : After playing with the parameters in Compiz Manager, I've found some settings to reduce the CPU using =) In the "Focus Blur Match" line, replace : toolbar | menu | utility | normal | dialog | modaldialog by utility | normal | dialog | modaldialog I couldn't see any visual changes.. excepted that it's smoother... ;-) The change is very usefool if you use the "Flip" effect in the Shift extension (feuilleter dans sélecteur en cascade), or Gnomenu. Of course, you're free to try some changes on your own ! =)
And last but not least (sorry for the tripple post :( ) Alpha blur match : replace any by (type=Normal) & type=Dialog