Lucidity Emerald
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
A clean and white emerald theme for those who like simple and unique themes.
Meant to work best with any GTK theme where the window color is set to pure white.
Tarball includes all styles; the original (Lucidity-1.4.emerald), classic (Lucidity-1.4.c.emerald), invisible (Lucidity-1.4.i.emerald), and classic invisible (Lucidity-1.4.c.i.emerald) button layouts.
Idea and some graphics based on Azurite.
Installation Instructions:
1. Download then open the tarball with Archive Manager and extract the *.emerald files.
2. Open the Emerald Theme Manager and click Import.
3. Browse to the extracted files and choose one to import.
Current Version: 1.4.* (1.4 / 1.4.c / 1.4.i / 1.4.c.i)
1.4.i / 1.4.c.i - Invisible button stlyes added.
1.4.* - Title centering fixed, title font changed to Zekton.
1.3 / 1.3.c - Shade button added, changed hover and click parenthesis to squared brackets. Fixed Bottom corners (transparency issue).
1.2c - Classic button layout added (see preview 3).
1.2 - Modified transparent edge (added slight gray gradient).
1.1 - New buttons and button layout.
1.0 - Original theme created.
Future Releases:
- Release 'Left-Aligned' button layout
- Create 'Dropdown Menu' button
- Create 'Always on Top' button
- Create 'Sticky' button
- [strike]Shade/Unshade buttons[/strike] Now Included!
- [strike]Squared brackets around buttons (instead of round parenthesis-like ones).[/strike] Now Included!
- [strike]Accompanying GTK theme.[/strike] Dropped
- Completely revamped style Coming with 2.0 here: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=121239!
Ratings & Comments
Is very nice!! Es exelente!!
Your emerald theme is amazing! I like it a lot. But I have a problem: if I go Tottem fullscreen, after return to normal size, close, minize and maximize buttons disappear! Can you try to solve this?
I like your theme very much but it seems that in some cases it doesn't draw the glowy shadow on the top side of the windows. So it looks like this http://kepfeltoltes.hu/090115/corner_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.png Is this only my problem or someone has a similar one? Can it be fixed?
I recall running across this problem a while back... I'll do some testing and report back with any findings/fixes. Thanks so much for you feedback!
I modified your theme to be darker in colour; it's from the 1.3c days with a few additions, but not much major. http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=87983
Hi, I really like your theme, but have a small problem with it. When making a window go fullscreen (as with a media player), if you then restore it to the original size, the buttons are gone. Is this fixable in your theme or is this an error of the pixmap engine or something?
just found out, when resizing the window, the buttons come back :S (huh, no way to edit your own posts?)
I create a emerald theme based in your's http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Angelical?content=86453 I'm love lucidity, very nice ;)
But the corners are just too pixilated and rough to be very pretty.
so how come there are no instructions included on how to actually use it? are people just supposed to know somehow like through osmosis or telepathy?
I'm sorry, I assumed frequent Emerald theme users would know how to install them. I'll post instructions for you though: 1. Download then open the tarball with Archive Manager and extract the *.emerald files. 3. Open the Emerald Theme Manager and click Import. 3. Browse to the extracted files and choose one to import.
Could you make one without the shading around the window border? I would love that, the shading makes it less "fitting" to other gtk themes. I love how you made the window design. Good job!
Which shading do you speak of? The gradient on the transparent section of the border, or the glow effect around the outside of the border?
This is very similar to the Plasma applets for KDE4 - very nice ;)
cool but looks like plasmoidsx borders xD.
I'm sorry, I don't know what plasmoidsx is. Do tell!
Nevermind, I found it through Google. :] It is a similar concept, but not quite the same.
What is your menu bar???
Unless I misunderstood, I believe you asked about my dock (at the bottom of the preview 2). It's called Avant-window-navigator https://launchpad.net/awn. In my screenshot I'm using my own Lucidity theme, found here: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=76765
i know that it gives a lot more nicer flavour the left minimize button, but can you make a version with all tree menu buttons in the right side? thanks, and once again great work!
I uploaded a tarball with both my original and your suggested (classic) button layout. Thanks for the suggestion!
Simply excellent!
Thank you!