Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Feel free to add any suggestions and requests.
I've managed to duct tape together a Metcity version. If you prefer using Metacity I recommend you to try it out.
Ordinary Metacity
What's included?
4 color variations for the default Ordinary emerald theme (orange, blue, green, purple). Can be used with any theme that uses the color #d8d8d8 as window color.
6 color variations of the default theme but with a semi transparent look.
Emerald theme for Dust and Dust Sand
Emerald theme for Ubuntu Ambiance
Emerald theme for Elementary
Emerald theme for Shiki-Colors (Brave, Human, Noble, Wine, Wise)
Future plans
I'm considering porting it to KDE4. There Aurorae and Dekorator look promising.
The default color themes work best when the window color is set to "#d8d8d8".
All the other themes should work with respective recommended GTK theme. Meaning that Ordinary Shiki Wine works best when used with the GTK theme Shiki-Colors Wine.
Dust theme by Rico Sta. Cruz, Kido Mariano, and James Schriver.
Elementary gtk theme by DanRabbit
Shiki-Colors by perfectska04
Reworked the button icons
Added several semi-transparent (glassy) themes
Added several styles for Shiki-Colors
Added color variations to the default theme
Updated Ambiance & Dust Sand
Added Dust compatible colors
Increased titlebar and border size.
Added themes for Elementary & Dust Sand.
Added experimental Ubuntu Ambiance style.
First release with [strike]Human[/strike] orange colors.
Ratings & Comments
Se te agradece, de verdad. Tu trabajo es impresionante. Sobretodo el pack completo. Un saludo cordial. Te felicito!
This is the best theme ever seen! An amazing job! My congratulations and thanks. I've been looking for a theme in so long!
Love this , im using the black glass one, what gtk theme would you reccomend using with this?
is it because its a pixmaps that the emerald shadows are so difficult to get right if i wanna increase the shadows? if its possible to fix the shadow problem please do so:) oh and making the top corners rounded inside the emerald theme manager gui solves some shadow probs but not all
hi, Can you make a version with a glassy transparent theme?
As you wish so shall you recieve... I always wanted to experiment with a semi transparent theme. Hopefully it will suit your taste, otherwise I'll just have to work harder on it :D. Since I have to admit that the transparent themes were done in a bit of a hurry.
Thanx for the quick response. I'm using the black glassy theme. But there are some pixels on the right hand side that shouldn't be there. Otherwise a good first version. I prefer your 'ordinary dust theme' which has a black background for the title. Because I like the dust-theme and your theme blends well with it. Could you make a version that combines the two: a black title background (as in the dust theme) and a black glass-like background for the rest (as in your 'ordinary black glass'-theme) Yes, I know I'm not an easy customer...
I love it ! Thanks a lot. I'm working to a transparent mod.
I should like to have the metacity version. :D Just for reference: The color for most gtk-themes is #D8D8D8.
Thanks for the color tip. I'm not entirely sure if that is actually the most common color, but I'll use it for my default theme anyway =). A Metacity version is on the way. But it's taking a bit longer to create since I'm not too familiar with the Metacity XML theme format yet.
thanks for your hard and nice work. i find it quite simple and elegant. how 'bout making this as a gtk theme? that would be nicer if non-emerald users could reach to use this!!! thanx.
yay. and i can say, if you manage to make titlebar height resizable, that theme will be awesome. thanks dude.
thanks for your work. i fisrt used ordinary orange. i tried to change the title bar height, but title bar crashed. i then tried to use the ambiance theme, but there was no ambiance theme to edit. if you can solve the problem esp for ordinary-orange, this will be my very favorite theme.
About the titlebar issue, I do not know why it crashes. But I do know that the theme does not really support resizing... However I am making the titlebar a little bit bigger, since I noticed that some icons get cut off as it is right now.
What GTK themes you prefer with this emerald?
great work would like to suggest an ambiance version + hover effect on the buttons