clear look set
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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© 2025 - Eyecandy for your XFCE-Desktop
All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
can we have a version with larger buttons as well? @1600x1200 they look too small for me :) this is my main windec now, great work.
another ipod bites a desktop... ;)
I really like your theme! After a little effort to update deKorator, I get it working. Thank you and keep the good work!
Which icon set are you using?
Great win deco! I'm trying to figure out, which widget style are you using? Is looks like Vistesque but better :-)
that's because it is better: cheers:)
i like the wallpaper.. have you got a download link ? thanks
ammmm try mailing it without any success, just mail me and i'll send it... cheers
Hey. Excellent theme, I really like it. But there are two things that really annoy me about it: A: The corners aren't transparent, but black. B: Could you make the theme with multiple background colors? The grey-ish one you made doesn't quite fit with my KDE theme. Thanks.
actually you got no problems, at least if you have the 0.3 version of deKorator. a: use the "use masks" check box located in the themes tab of deKorator. b: all colors are configurable including the outer border and the inner space, this feature was introduced with 0.3 so make sure you have it, any wat the second screeny shows different color schemes, some of them are ugly and some Even more:D , but the idea i think is quiet clear.
Hey nice ! Finally somebody actually made somthing different .. I don't know if there are any other windecs like that out there, but it's definately no 3680734789534780th plastik or something ... very nice
thanks, thats what i was hoping to get at, hope the artist among us would loose the plastik look and move farward to something new.
what's that iPod-looking thingy on your desktop w/ an amarok icon?
here you go: quiet a nice one i must say.