Clay Deco for deKorator
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This is a Deco theme for use with DeKorator, which can be found here:
Install as instructed on the Decorator post, Last changelog:
Install as instructed on the Decorator post,
Buttons updated, backgrounds masked to permit better roller over effect with the hover function.
Buttons updated, again.. made a little smaller and added some contour, previous version looked a little odd.
Ratings & Comments
i get this error while installing: "this file is not a valid deKorator theme archive" am using deKorator 0.3 any ideas how to fix it ? thx
I think the download link is providing an older version.
amazingly beautiful :) got nothing else to say ! but there is one problem, i searched google but still was unable to find these fonts... can you plz e-mail those fonts to me, rgistered@yahoo.com thx alot !
what about my mode;) ftp://motyrahamim.no-ip.org/snapshot11.png
I'm green with envy ! ......ROTFL Seriously, is there not a way to to that from a deco function ? What I meant to mention before was, download and install the SUSE2 deco and have a look at some of the features it has, it may give you a few ideas.......
Hi :) well i dont think i fallow u, withe the deco function u just mention please explain. and about the suse 2 i have it but i dont quiet understan what u meant by saying make the borders larger with suse2 and than switch to dekorator, on my pc if i do that dekorator has his own border size as it suppose to be and seem to work fine like showes in the screenshots, doesnt it suppose to look like that or am i missing something?
I think you are missing it a bit, here is a snap of the boarder setting in SUSE2: http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b121/sandman65/boardersize.png Because I've accented the left and right boarders, if they default to a normal "small" size the accent gets lost and it tends to look....bla.. I was just thinking that, some of the fuctions in SUSE2 "could" be incorporated into deKorator, there is also a "round top corners option" in there. I guess what I'm getting at is if deKorator and SUSE2 could be combined and refined it would have NO equal IMHO. It could advance to the stage where u could add a get new deco option, bit like the skin download section in FireFox and such... Man U'd be freaking famous ! ;) Anyway...get on with it lad ! ;) AB
doing it so easly ;), this one is a peace of art, and the all 3 r so New and Refreashing... now i can dress up my linux:) one tip though when u make the buttons do the background transparent, this way the background wont colrize and we could use the buttons in another theme:) Love and Use it... ftp://motyrahamim.no-ip.org/snapshot10.png ftp://motyrahamim.no-ip.org/snapshot8.png ftp://motyrahamim.no-ip.org/snapshot9.png
Thanks man, so glad u like em all, about the buttons...if you set the hover effect to grey and the ammout equal to 1, you see no change on hover, thanks for the tip thow, I can redo the deco's with masked backgrounds. :)
Hello motyR, I know this is a little off-topic, but when i looked at your screenshots i was wondering how did youto get the same colour as the taskbar for your "minimized" windows (for konqueror and kcontrol windows for example) ? I tried to do it, my minimized widows don't get the look of the taskbar and remains grey... :( Is it a kbfx improvment or is there an option i've missed in kcontrol ? Neverthelesse, thank you for your good work ! Bye
hi Dawiz, well actually it is taskbar-v2 feature, it could be downloaded on this site, hope it helps :)
Yes ! Thank you for your help. I'm going to try it :) Thaks again ! Bye
Hi, which font are you using? It looks really nice ;) tigaente
Font is called Handelgotd, it took me some looking on google, if you can't find it let me know, I'll mail it to ya.