Area-51-Lt for deKorator
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This is a Deco theme for use with DeKorator, which can be found here:
Install as instructed on the Decorator post, border widths are best set to large, you can do this by selecting the SUSE2 windows decoration and then flip back to Dekorator, the border will stay the same, get SUSE2 Deco here:
This Deco works best with the color scheme I have provided in the Tar ball, to use extract color file to:
Then go into the control center look and feel color and select the scheme.
Install as instructed on the Decorator post, border widths are best set to large, you can do this by selecting the SUSE2 windows decoration and then flip back to Dekorator, the border will stay the same, get SUSE2 Deco here:
This Deco works best with the color scheme I have provided in the Tar ball, to use extract color file to:
Then go into the control center look and feel color and select the scheme.
Ratings & Comments
i'm using deKorator 0.3, but with 90% of all themes, this one too, i receive the error message that this is no valid deKorator theme file.
I'm curious where you got the wallpaper too!! I've been searching all over for it. Can you atleast tell us what it's called, or who the artist is? Thanks!
this is very good. Would like to know where you got wallpaper from
Google is your friend. http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=37170
This is very nice, it reminds me of the alienware laptop themes. Good work.
Thanks, I kinda got the idea for the color scheme from the AlienWare Deco, But thought their theme needed improving... ;) Thanks for the Pos feedback... AB