Area-51 for deKorator
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This is a Deco theme for use with deKorator, which can be found here:
Install as instructed on the Decorator post,
This Deco works best with the color scheme I have provided in the Tar ball, to use extract color file to:
Then go into the control center look and feel color and select the scheme. Last changelog:
Install as instructed on the Decorator post,
This Deco works best with the color scheme I have provided in the Tar ball, to use extract color file to:
Then go into the control center look and feel color and select the scheme.
Deco has been made a shade or three lighter, me and my critical eye were not quiet happy with it.
Let me know what u all think, feedback is good!
Ratings & Comments
i just ported it to 0.2 with the portDek script, i've also ported some more themes into 0.2 so just have a look. http://www.cheetux.org.il/~motyr/deKorator/0.2-themes/
i love this theme, but cannot get it to install with the new version. any chance you'll put that link back up?
I can't seem to get this to work with the newest decorator. Will it not work, or can it? Thanks
Hi, Arbitrary I just downloaded and installed deKorator explicitly for the purpose of using this decoration. What is the chance of porting it to v0.2? Thanks for your time and your brilliant design effort =] Cheers, ~N
Hi, Thanks for the comments, I should be able to port it over in the next few days, I've been toying with the roll over icons, nearly decided on a solution.
Any plans to port this to the new deKorator version? I tried using the port script and it didn't work. Thanks!!! Joe
really good work! BTW, what's that font?
Thanks, :) The font is HandelGOTD, there is a link to the download URL on the deKorator post, was posted a few days ago.
nice windeco for dark desktops!
Thanks, am working on a lighter version, wish the masking in deKorator extended beyond the corners......