Just Peachy (QtCurve, Colors, Emerald)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
I've been using this theme for a few months now, making little tweaks here and there along the way, and decided I should go ahead and share it. It's slightly inspired by the various Ubuntu Human themes. (The Oxywin Plasma theme - http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Oxywin?content=112004 - matches rather nicely.)
Big thanks to CraigD for creating such an awesome and customizable Qt engine, which makes works like this possible (http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/QtCurve+%28KDE4%2C+KDE3%2C+%26+Gtk2+Theme%29?content=40492).
To install
QtCurve theme: System Settings -> Appearance -> Style -> select QtCurve from the Widget style: dropdown list -> Configure -> Options -> Import.
Color scheme: System Settings -> Appearance -> Colors -> Import Scheme.
Emerald theme: Emerald Theme Manager -> Import. Last changelog:
Big thanks to CraigD for creating such an awesome and customizable Qt engine, which makes works like this possible (http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/QtCurve+%28KDE4%2C+KDE3%2C+%26+Gtk2+Theme%29?content=40492).
To install
QtCurve theme: System Settings -> Appearance -> Style -> select QtCurve from the Widget style: dropdown list -> Configure -> Options -> Import.
Color scheme: System Settings -> Appearance -> Colors -> Import Scheme.
Emerald theme: Emerald Theme Manager -> Import.
1.0 (initial release)
QtCurve theme
KDE4 color scheme
Emerald theme
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