This is based on Ozone theme (which came by default, at least in my Kubuntu installation after install QtCurve) & Dark Carbon Blue (
I will upload the color scheme separately just if the case someone wants it after looking for color schemes (

Well, yes I admit it's quite... TOO Mac but I'm still happy with the final result.
If you don't like the background image, you can change it. Simple search in Google for a different texture and replace ~/.config/qtcurve/style-bgnd-img.jpg and ~/.config/qtcurve/style-bgnd-menu-img.jpg with whatever you want.
If you like the theme but don't want any texture in background, just select a different option on General/Backgound image option of QtCurve config dialog.
(contructive) Suggestions are wellcome (in general

Ratings & Comments
I know its a very newbie question. But even though I use OpenSuse as my main OS since 2007 I am not that much into the customization of looks.
Ok, I RTFM. e.g.
Wow, yes, something like that. I think it should be in your repos and if it doesn't, look at the QtCurve page here (or in
Looks pretty slick, good work! :) ... I noticed you're using Emesene; are you able to get your webcam working in it? I ask because that seems to be the only major reason to use it over Kopete, yet I could never get it working.
It's my first theme so thank you. And nop, Emesene2 hasn't any cam support at all, although the team gives a big wellcome to anyone who wants to develop it