1. Install qtcurve for KDE, GTK, or both.
2. Import this file in qtcurve and select it.
3. Choose qtcurve as window decoration in KDE’s or Gnome’s settings.
4. Add a fitting background image.
5. Enjoy!

Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
(There may be a future color style that uses less palm green and more sand white.)
Ratings & Comments
By the way, how did you get the menu bar to become green? I am talking about the bar with "File" or in your case "Datei".
By setting the “Coloration” under “Menubars” to “Titlebar border”. You can also do the opposite, and check “Use menubar color” under “Windows”. But in both cases, you have to set the border size in "Window managers" to "No Border”, or there will be small gaps left and right of the menu bar.
You can 'solve' this issue, by having the following config items set: 1. Set menubar, titlebar, and inactive titlebar gradients to the same value. 2. Do not enable "Blend titlebar color into background color" 3. Use window titlebar color for menubar 4. Extend window dragging into menubar (or further...) QtCurve will then draw the titlebar and menubar as 1 gradient - this would then remove the issue of the titlebar border being seen to the left/right of the menubar.
Thanks. :) But I noticed, that I preferred there to be no border left and right. The borders on the bottom and top allow resizing the traditional way. Plus I use Compiz for resizing anyway, so I can use Win-Mouse3 anywhere on the window, and resize it how I want. I recommend this, as it’s much faster and more comfortable than finding a tiny 1px line where the cursor turns into a resize cursor. You can also use this control scheme for moving, closing, minimizing and maximizing, etc. Makes life so much nicer. Compiz really is quite useful, if you look past the bling. :)