Wow, this is really beautiful! But unfortanetly, your background doesn't work :( I applied the Bespin-theme and launched Dolphin with -stylesheet /path/to/file.qss but it doesn't load your background :(
i'm sorry..but it work in my dolphin 1.4 KDE 4.4.3 Slackware 13.1...
and it's work fine in my friends system too....
please check your system first and maybe you can modif the qss to work on your system..
Ratings & Comments
The dolpher stuff lives on! :D
(worship) thanx.... you are my master...i just retouch a lil bit.. hehehe.....
hi , i'm unable to fetch the resource from the link above , could you please provide another position for downloading ? Thanks.
Heya :-) This one looks nice .. what icons do you have there ?
hehe....i make a costum icon...
Wow, this is really beautiful! But unfortanetly, your background doesn't work :( I applied the Bespin-theme and launched Dolphin with -stylesheet /path/to/file.qss but it doesn't load your background :(
btw...where you place the background...?? take it in the same place with the qss script...thanx
It is in the same folder, yet it doesn't load the background :(
i'm sorry..but it work in my dolphin 1.4 KDE 4.4.3 Slackware 13.1... and it's work fine in my friends system too.... please check your system first and maybe you can modif the qss to work on your system..