Dark Rubber


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Dark Rubber 1.0
Where everything must be dark...

Big Screenshot:

---- About this project ----
(1) What you're seeing is a "Theme pack" for KDE SC 4.4 and QtCurve 1.2 It was
__not tested with older versions.

(2) This will also make your gtk apps look almost identical to the qt ones.
Courtesy of qtcurve.

(3) It is intended for KDE users. Gnome users will have to follow different
__steps, which I poorly describe in NOTE1 at the Installation process.

(4) It was based of from styles included by default in KDE and QtCurve.

---- Installing ----
(1) You will need QtCurve widget engine installed.
(2) You might want gtk-qt-engine to change the gtk theme inside KDE

(4) Copying files:

!!! WARNING !!!
This will replace your oxygen window decoration configuration

cd (theme pack root dir here), ex:
cd "~/Downloads/Dark Rubber/"
cp "./color-schemes/*" "~/.kde4/share/apps/color-schemes/"
cp "./QtCurve/*" "~/.kde4/share/apps/QtCurve/"
cp "./config/*" "~/.kde4/share/config/"

(5) IF you DON'T know what to do with each of these files, keep reading. Else,
read the NOTES

(6) Go to the "Look & Feel" part of the "System Settings" panel and select the
__"Style" section
(7) Chose "QtCurve" from the widgets list, then click "Configuration..." and
__select "Dark Rubber" from the preset list
( Now, find the Window Decoration section and select Oxygen from the
__decoration list.
(9) Finally, select "Dark Rubber" from the Colors section.

NOTE1: If you want your GTK apps to look alike, go to (KDE control panel) "GTK
Styles and Fonts" section, and check "Use another style", then select QtCurve
from the theme list. If you want the change to persist out of KDE, else use
gtk-chtheme or your Desktop Environment theme selector. I don't have any
knowledge on how to configure the color scheme, qtcurve and the window decorator
(which is bound to kwin, as far I know) out of KDE.

NOTE2: You might want to mix a dark plasma theme. Oxygen and Aya are excellent

---- Changelog ----
Version 1.0:
- Initial Release

---- Roadmap ----
- I might do a packaging with some Magic Script® enabled.
- I need your feedback! Comments are appreciated.

---- Contact & Author ----
Nickname: MaMuS
Name: Adriano
Mail: adriano.lols at google mail (span bots, be aware of span box!)
Last changelog:

Version 1.0:
- Initial Release

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version 1.0
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A theming and window decoration engine for unifying Qt and GTK-based applications look.
