Chiunque volesse migliorare in qualche modo questo lavoro è libero di farlo,inoltre qualora voleste e foste in grado sarebbe bello aggiungere a questo un tema di plasma e vari KDM o Splashscreen ed un pacchetto di icone migliore di quello attualmente a disposizione,quindi vi invito a crearli se volete.
QtCurve theme to make kde look like Elementary Os Jupiter; for a better result i advice you to use Dekorator as the window decoration and choose the elementary theme within the options.
Feel free to improve this project,moreover if you want and are capable of, it would be nice to have a plasma theme and the related stuff (KDM/Splashscreen/Icons) along.

Ratings & Comments
Oxywin plasma theme can be used because it is adjusted to use system color so it will look really good with elementary
qtcurve theme to make your kde as close as possible to the style of Elementary Os Jupiter, the best advice to use it as a decorator to use windows and its theme deKorator Elementary also choose one of two color schemes are available to elementary, are good both ... Anyone who wants to improve in some way this work is free to do so, if you wanted and you were also able to add to this would be nice theme of plasma and various Splashscreen KDM or a package of icons and better than currently available, so please if you want to create them. QtCurve theme to make kde look like Os Jupiter Elementary, a better result for the advice you to use as the window decoration and deKorator choose the elementary Within The theme options. Feel free to Improve this project, if you want and Moreover are capable of, It Would be nice to have the plasma theme and related stuff (KDM / Splashscreen / Icons) along. :)
thanks :)
Please write in english language because i can't understand what you have write about this theme
It's great ! But how did you manage to have toolbuttons on the right ?