Milky Suite (aka Milky Air)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This theme is heavily based on the original Milk theme by Max Rudberg.
Qtcurve style is mandatory.
To install, extract the archive and import the MilkyAir.qtcurve or MilkyAir2.qtcurve (for the version with modded toolbar) via the Qtcurve options.
Then import the MilkyAir.colors or MilkyGrass.colors (green) or MilkyFire.colors (red) via the colorscheme settings.
The blue version fits best with Air plasma style, Transparent Oxygen Aurorae windeco and Ciment icons, all found here at Kdelook. For the other color versions see Oxygencolors icon theme. The dock seen on the screenshot is CairoDock.
Please tell me if it all works as it should, cause this is my first qtcurve based style ;-)
Green wallpaper can be found here: http://manokz.blogspot.com/2008/12/wallpapers.html Last changelog:
This theme is heavily based on the original Milk theme by Max Rudberg.
Qtcurve style is mandatory.
To install, extract the archive and import the MilkyAir.qtcurve or MilkyAir2.qtcurve (for the version with modded toolbar) via the Qtcurve options.
Then import the MilkyAir.colors or MilkyGrass.colors (green) or MilkyFire.colors (red) via the colorscheme settings.
The blue version fits best with Air plasma style, Transparent Oxygen Aurorae windeco and Ciment icons, all found here at Kdelook. For the other color versions see Oxygencolors icon theme. The dock seen on the screenshot is CairoDock.
Please tell me if it all works as it should, cause this is my first qtcurve based style ;-)
Green wallpaper can be found here: http://manokz.blogspot.com/2008/12/wallpapers.html
*Added second style with modded toolbar (looks best if you hide the menubar). Added 2 colors (MilkyGrass, MilkyFire).
*Fixed link/visited link colors in colorschemes.
Ratings & Comments
I like it. :-)
Well done Goamaus. You might want to look at the Pardus Linux's milky icon theme to go with that.
thank you, but where can I find a preview for this? googled around and didn't find any screenshot :(
Here's a desktop sample: http://www.archive.org/download/PardusMilkyThemeForKde4/milky.png Able to install them using Arch linux, probably be able to find them from someone on your distro too I'd think.
thank you :)
Can you remove grey color from menus, with no other changes in theme? (MilkyAir 1)
you can easily set the popup menu background to flat or whatever you wish
I did it. I didn't know that I need to log out before changes are applied. Thank you.
with your colorsheme is no glow around the windows with oxygen-window-decoration.
thank you for the hint, to what color do you think I should change it?
very nice!
may i enquire as to which wallpaper is in the green screenshot?
you can find it here: http://manokz.blogspot.com/2008/12/wallpapers.html (2nd picture)
thank you. some great walls there. great job on this theme too!
Bottom panel... is Daisy?
no... as written above, it's cairodock
Judging by the looks, this could be the best. But the screenshot lacks other widgets which makes it hard to judge how good this is usability-wise.. I hope when you get this done, you will have corrected usability issues Oxygen has(tiny buttons, skinny textfield and breadcrumb etc...) by then. And please maintain its very clean aura..:-)
I agree with Kallube... you should release this in order to get, a true evaluation of usability, by a broad range of system set-ups. It does look very good though. If I may suggest, that you try and recreate the window theme for use with other theme engines... deKorator for example, which is easy, and has a huge user base. Just an an idea, as it will increase the amount of users of your theme... some users are not able, yet, to run Aurorae. Look forward to seeing you theme go live =)
Above Post, should read (without the typos) :P I agree with Kallube... you should release this in order to get, a true evaluation of usability, by a broad range of system set-ups. It does look very good though. If I may suggest, that you try and recreate the window theme for use with other theme engines... deKorator for example, which is easy, and has a huge user base. Just an idea, as it will increase the amount of users of your theme... some users are not able, yet, to run Aurorae. Look forward to seeing your theme go live =)
Thank you, but this has already been released ;-) The Aurorae windeco is not actually my work, so I have not thought about porting it. My system is a bit problematic right now (my fault, I shouldn't use Alpha software ;-)) That means, the only setup which doesn't totally slow down my system is Compiz with Emerald windowmanager. Have tried out a million setups this weekend, but nothing else works :( So I'm not the best address to ask for a port to Dekorator.
Ah' so it is, last time I tried, there were probs. Sorry to here about your system... hope you get it resolved. Keep up the good work :)
One of the best that I have seen so far. Please release it. I love it. What icons are you using? Thank you! P.s. I am using soft2 now, but QtCurve doesn't work very good on KDE 4.3 RC3 (Kubuntu 9.04).
Thank you :-) the icon theme is called Ciment and can be found here at Kdelook. Personally I don't have any trouble with Qtcurve, but Kwin is slow as hell... need to find a fix for that :(
Screen shot looks good but usability can't be determined by screen shots, release the theme and you will get the feedback and fans you need.